Showing posts with label lamb's blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lamb's blood. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Back to the Children of Israel

          Moses had been raised as a prince in Pharaoh’s court.  We don’t know how many there were in total but at least one.  There was at least one raised along side of Moses who would become the next Pharaoh.  It is possible that he and Moses were friends many years before Moses killed an Egyptian while trying to protect a slave. Rumor has it that the Pharaoh at that time got wind of what had happened and sought to slay Moses and Moses fled.

          Forty years had passed before Moses returned to Egypt – a different man, a different Pharaoh.  Forty years is a long time.  The Pharaoh’s heart had hardened.  He no longer viewed Moses as growing up in the same palace as he.  He saw a poor shepherd and would not take Moses seriously – even with all the plagues.  Even with the killing of the first born.

          The Passover is so named because of the night when the Angel of Death had come to claim the first born from each household.  Those that had painted lamb’s blood on their doorway were passed over.  The Pharaoh did not have lamb’s blood painted on their door.  I wonder if any Egyptians did.  Even after 9 other plagues did they really view the “killing of the first-born” as a hoax?  Did they feel remorse about not having taken the signs seriously?

          And yet here we are today.  Some people have worn masks all along.  Some continue wearing them even though they’ve been vaccinated.  I always feel guilty when I am around them and not wearing a mask.  I have been vaccinated.  Jenna has been vaccinated.  Not many of her friends have received nor expect to receive the vaccination.  Some of her friends parents have made it loud and clear that “no one in the household will be getting vaccinated” and I wonder how many will fall victims to COVID – not necessarily that it will be the first born, but I think it could be a wake-up call for many that the “Angel of Cornona” isn’t passing them by.  Nor do I know if a shot will be as effective as the lamb’s blood so many centuries ago.  

    How often did Moses wish to throw up his hands against the children of Israel?  To try and shake some sense into them and tell them not to act like such big babies?  Did they not  remember the miracles either? It’s not over.  I wish I was wrong.  Sadness.

the "V" stands for vaccination