
Showing posts with the label photos

Photo Solitaire picture 171

          I don ’ t know how old my kindle is.  I am certain a relic according to Kindle standards.  A while back I would not be able to finish playing games as they would freeze up until I finally deleted them because really . . . what was the point of having a game take up space if I wasn ’ t able to play it?  It ’ s not as if I was all full up and lacking for space.  Turns out the games I ’ m playing are also relics – thought it is hard to label them as such because I feel that I am at least 4-6 times older than they are and I don ’ t consider myself a relic.         Anyway there was a while there in which I had only six games to play and was getting bored as only three were word related.   The last couple of months have given me other game options – recycled games.   I know they are recycled as I continue receiving messages that this game will expire at the end of October (or some other mon...

Among the Missing

I did have a few photos of me at various dances such as my high school Junior Prom.   It was held at the capitol building and I had asked a guy that I worked with.   I thought it would be cool to attend the junior prom in my junior year but was not popular enough to be asked out.   Thus I had asked someone who went to another high school and school district. We both felt like outcast in this luxurious room full of students that neither of us shared commonalities.   We left and went to Snelgroves (the ice cream parlor where both of us worked) and had some ice cream.   Afterwards we decided to go to a disco scene called The Front Page.   We were serverly overdressed – but had a lot more fun at the Front Page than at the capitol building.   There was another dance I had attended when I had gone to at Ricks College – I don’t even remember the theme or dance name.   I remember my date making pom-pom figures to match what we were wearing.   I thi...

Star Dedication

I dedicate these stars to my readers and followers.  May you appreciate my abstract photography   This star attached to decoration on fireplace the star that hangs above Jenna's nativity I tried taking one on the tree.  It came more distorted than this how it appears when lit up I don't have pictures or even know all of my followers but here is an old one of me and one who reads my blog    Here are two more that Jenna took to dedicate to Ooki ( here ) and Bonnie I did share this on an earlier post the year we obtained it Ooki, Jenna (the year she turned one) and me

My Custom Heirloom Walking Stick

      Jenna and I first met Chris just over a year and a half ago.   We met him at Millsite Park.   Jenna and I had been walking around and Chris was looking for the perfect stick as he had a request for making a cane similar to his (see this post)       I thought that would be nice to have a custom-made cane for myself, and thought I would start collecting words that might describe me and ask him how much he charged.   Chris said he walked in Millsite all of the time.   That was the only time that I saw him.   I don't even know his last name.         When Roland was playing Friar Tuck in Hi, Ho, Robin Hood , he had stripped one of our wild junipers to make a walking stick for the character.   I decided that when he was through with it, I would adjust it to my own needs.   I would strip the wood, sand the stick and start a decoupage.   I decided to use...

Cameras and Referral Sites

          When Jenna told me her assignment was on camera history, I smiled as I had recently touched on that same subject in class discussion post that I briefly mention here .   I ended up with this thought on digital cameras versus film:        " The digital camera was made available to the public in 1988 (Ternholm, 2007).  Before the start of the 21st Century,  I had known several people who had tried to sway me into the perks of having/owning digital.  I don't remember all the reasons I had for sticking with my 35mm and rolls of film, but one of the reasons was because I had convinced myself that the picture quality was better from the film than the digital results.         "It wasn't until our family had an opportunity of hosting a foreign exchange student that I was "swayed" to the perks that a digital camera could provide.  My "so...

Familiar Faces

            About a year and a half ago, I was on facebook checking out their statistics, though I generally don't put a lot of stock in what results are given.     According to facebook, my husband Roland and I are the most opposite of me and any of my facebook friends.   I can believe that.   According to facebook, my soul mate is Carolyn - who I had known less than a year.   I've now known her for almost two.   The more time I take to get to know her, the more it feels like we have in common.   I guess facebook was right.             Not only that, but every time I added a family photo, facebook will automaticlly tag the pictures and actually get most of them right.   But every time my mom is in the photo, facebook puts Carolyn's name on the photo instead of my mom's. I guess there is a resemblance.   I do see more betwee...