
Showing posts with the label collisions

I Would Have Rather Gone Through With the Family Outing to the Dentist

            Where do I start on this post?  At the beginning?  I don’t remember when the beginning was.  Sometimes I will see an ambulance parked (but still running) in front of one of my neighbors’ houses.  At least once I have seen a paramedic truck.  I have always wondered why they aren’t sent in clusters.             In Utah it seemed no matter what emergency vehicle we would specify, they would all show up.   I hadn’t seen that in Oregon since this post almost a year ago.   Jenna calls it cruel irony.   But let me back up again.           Roland had an appointment to go to the dentist yesterday.   My appointment is not until July 29 but there was a cancellation for yesterday at 3:00.   How cool is that?   I charged both of my kindles expecting we’d fulfill this outlandish date.   Then they had a...

Not Quite the Same Ratio

          Since living in Myrtle Creek, I have NOT missed the horrible traffic accidents that we encountered on a daily or weekly basis - some just fender benders, but some involved lost lives - not to mention totaled cars.   My son lived not to far from this accident and was interviewed about what he saw            We've been in Oregon for almost two years now.   I have been in one line of slow moving cars as there had been an accident in one of the intersections in Roseburg.   I can also remember an employee at Figaro's pointing to the line of cars on I5 and reporting how far ahead the accident was.   I would have never noticed the line of cars on my own.   Perhaps my eyes believe it appears more in the distance than younger eyes do.             We ran a few errands last yesterday.   After we had crossed the parking lot and had gotte...