
Showing posts with the label walks

More Triggered Memories

                I have used the above picture in an earlier post.   My first post in February 2012 – the year I started my blog.   The post itself had nothing to do with the picture.   Let me relate what really happened and why Jenna is making this face.             As I mentioned in a more recent post we used to walk everywhere – though Kearns offered more destinations than anything in West Valley or Myrtle Creek.  We did not walk to the library often as we had to cross a busy street, but Jenna had not taken a nap and would be in need of one and usually the walk to the library and back wore her out.              I would always hold Jenna’s hand when we were out on walks – especially when crossing streets – especially the busy one. She insisted on crossing 5400 on her own.  No way!  What kind of a m...

I Cannot NOT GO LtWobo

            I LOVE Jenna ’ s enthusiasm – which I have mentioned several times.  Even throughout this pandemic she has never lost her light.  Oh, sure, it may have dimmed a few times but the spark would never die completely. She has been so enthusiastic with “ Light the World one by one ” program.  As much as I hate to admit it I often do not have a proper attitude of greeting the day nor have I had the desire to fulfill each daily task challenge for “ Light the World ”. I do it with Jenna because of her excitement. I don ’ t want to contribute to dimming her light.   I think she has posted something everyday  –  but as a story so it doesn ’ t remain for all to view. I tried to screenshot them all  –  though I can ’ t seem to locate all of them nor did I keep all the clip art pictures that she added.     On the 7 th day of December we painted a naked sled and took it to a man who will often give Bonni...

Perhaps I Have Contributed to Her Happiness After All

           B efore Jenna was born I started keeping a journal for her – writing it in first person as though she were writing it – guessing what she was thinking.   I ended up with 10 volumes from 2004 – 2013.   I had stopped printing pages the year that my mom passed.   I continued with scrapbook pages left in the computer and flash drives and continued our first year in Oregon, but then allowed her to take over - which she has discontinued. Anyway, we have been rereading through her books during this pandemic.   I appreciate having recorded what I did as there is much I have forgotten.   I remember myself having been uptight all of the time – but perhaps not as often as I had believed.   I had always felt blessed with such a happy girl and wanted to help her stay that way – trying hard to stay positive though not always successful and it shows in my writing particularly when her sisters would visit. I was not so much agai...