
Showing posts with the label violin

Power of Tithing

           Tithing is definitely NOT a logical commandment.  But oh what tremendous blessings follow if we follow the promptings.           Two examples of tithing shared in Testimony meeting last week.   The first is a recent convert who upon talking with his sister learned that his niece would be turning 11 on her next birthday.   She wanted a violin.   The speaker didn’t know why she had mentioned it as she was aware of his financial struggles and so of course a violin was out of the question.           He wanted to pay tithing but did not have the finances to do so.   As he was headed out the door to go to church, he grabbed his piggy bank on an impulse.   He said he offered his tithing in all the change that the piggy bank held – about five dollars – maybe more.   It was all that he had.       ...