
Showing posts with the label chart

Two Discussion Posts

          I have now completed my economics course.   My instructor has completed grading all of my work, and so I will go ahead and share what I have turned in.           On my first post this month I shared a video of a phone service parody.   This is the discussion that went with it:       "How many of my classmates remember the landline and payphones? Funny how perspective changes from being a child to being an adult. Our responsibilities are not the same, and therefore we view the world in a different way. For example, I never personally had to wait for AT&T to come out and install or repair a telephone, but my mom did. Back then we didn't have the option of cell phones or even provider plans for that matter. The Bell System had a monopoly all across the nation with its "Bell" trademark on every phone booth. Every household that had a phone receiv...