
Showing posts with the label hurt

Investing Emotions and Getting Burned

               When I was younger I remember psyching myself into believing I didn’t care.   I didn’t care about boys or dating.   I didn’t care about peers or school.   I didn’t care if plans fell through.   I knew it was wrong.   I knew it was unhealthy to deprive myself of feeling any other emotion. I just knew that if I could convince myself that I believed I didn’t care it would be so much easier to handle than disappointment or rejection.   It was.   It truly was.   This heartache and turmoil is such a bunch of crap that most anybody would rather do without.   We’re told the sad/bad/hard emotions gives us strength.   Boloney!!!    Disappointment  and heartache bite big time!             When Jenna was younger we befriended a family that consisted mostly of Khonnie and her two children.   Dennis was gone for the most ...

Somewhere Between Eden and Gethsemane

        A garden, by definition, is either a cultivated plot of ground or a gathering place such as a park which is generally adorned with plants and trees.   I guess I have never considered the definition until quite recently.   We had our Stake Conference this weekend, and one of the speakers mentioned two specific gardens found in the scriptures and discussed the symbolic differences between them.           The Garden of Eden, as mentioned in Geneses,          is outlined as a paradise.   We see paintings of fruit and vegetation, peace and waterfalls, a beautiful place where everything is tranquil.   I guess it represents a kind of perfection.           The Garden of Gethsemane, as portrayed by each of the gospels, does not have the same appeal.   Paintings often depict a drab setting wi...