
Showing posts with the label type

Typewriters to Word Processors and Printers

 I  can’t find a picture of the Brother Word Processor I had purchased back in the day.   I don’t even remember what year it was.   This photo is the closest to what I remember – though I could be way off base.   I just remember a huge monitor and connecting keyboard.   It came with a black screen but instead of green words (the illustration looks it has blue lettering) my screen was orange words on black background.   I preferred the orange to the green.   I don’t know why.   I think it may have been easier on the eyes.   Computers were around at the time.   They also came with huge monitors.   I remember the salesman telling me why they were so much better.   For one thing, you could do so much more – play games for instance.   I wanted a word processor so that I could begin my autobiography (if you can believe that).   I loved wri...


Same Spelling, Same Pronunciation Bark is the outside surface found on the trunk of a tree. Many dogs produce a sound called a bark whenever someone approaches his territory To court someone is the same as dating. A court is a place where legal actions take place. Both basketball  courts and tennis courts consist of an area with marks and nets which contribute to a sport. A court yard is the area or space between buildings that surround it To flush a toilet means your sending the water in the bowl into the sewer.  A flush  in poker means your cards are in sequence.   Iron is a source found in meat, some vegetables, and beans.   We need iron in our diets.   Sometimes when working out, people will refer to lifting weights as pumping iron . Some water pumps are made of iron - or were. When we press our clothes, we use an iron .   Some golf clubs are referred to as iron s. Being kind to some...