
Showing posts with the label congestion

It Was Nice While It Lasted

            Ever since they had moved into our house, Biff and Claire would sleep in until 10:00 or later.  Okay.  I get the exhaustion from traveling – but come on.  They did manage to make it up on time for the first Sunday meeting they were here.  That was the last time. Three weeks later Ally was enrolled in the local school and then the family started getting up at 8:10 and out the door half an hour later.   Still dragged.   Still delayed.   But after Biff started his job in Roseburg, the family was up and out by 7:30.   Such a waist of gas going back and forth so that Claire could have the car.   Theoretically they could put Ally on the bus but choose not to.   So for an entire week Biff would drive the family to his work in Roseburg and Claire would take the car to the school, walk Char around and return to the house to sort and clean – pick Ally up from school (with Char) return to Roseburg....

High School Reunion Without Internet

          My dad graduated from high school in 1954 or 1955.   I think he attended every class reunion there was until he got sick.   I think my mom must have attended all of his high school reunions as well. She has never gone to her own.   Nor have I.   Mostly I didn't care.   I didn't even like high school.   Why would I want to go back?           I believe the first high school reunion offered a barbeque at a local park I believe on a Saturday afternoon - and may have attended that one had I been in town, but I was on my mission at the time.    The second reunion announced was located at some prestige resort in Park City.   I didn't have that much money to spend nor did I believe there would be many there that I would want to see for that much money anyway.   I don't remember being invited to another reunion after that - not that it would h...