It Was Nice While It Lasted

         Ever since they had moved into our house, Biff and Claire would sleep in until 10:00 or later.  Okay.  I get the exhaustion from traveling but come on.  They did manage to make it up on time for the first Sunday meeting they were here.  That was the last time.

Three weeks later Ally was enrolled in the local school and then the family started getting up at 8:10 and out the door half an hour later.  Still dragged.  Still delayed.  But after Biff started his job in Roseburg, the family was up and out by 7:30.  Such a waist of gas going back and forth so that Claire could have the car.  Theoretically they could put Ally on the bus but choose not to.  So for an entire week Biff would drive the family to his work in Roseburg and Claire would take the car to the school, walk Char around and return to the house to sort and clean pick Ally up from school (with Char) return to Roseburg.  They had a routine.  It was nice!

But after the Halloween party Ally got sick they claim.  I dont know.  I have been sick and now Richard is sick and its hard to know if Ally is really sick or not.  Richard and I are very certain that she has not felt as miserable as we.  Claire had her stay home from school on Monday but then allowed her to go trick-or-treating downtown.  Say what?  You are allowing your sick child to have candy?  Okay.  Shes been home for three days and Claire hopefully announced that maybe they could return Ally to school and then took her out for three hours last night though it was 34 degrees outside.  Seriously?  Needless to say Ally did not go to school today.  Meanwhile Richard sounds as though he is on his deathbed.  Thus far he has had tea to drink.

Id like to see this entire household get better.  I would like to see our guests return to last weeks routine.  I would still prefer more distance separate houses.  We already seem to be living separate lives.


  1. Still not convinced that Ally is sick; she doesn't sound sick

    1. Evidently it is now Claire who has the cough


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