
Showing posts with the label stake conference

Walls and Bridges

          The Roseburg Stake had a blog which would refer members to stake conference.  It provided a list of speakers and the meeting agenda.  I remember the leaders referred to it in years’ past, but did not have any information for it this year.  I unfortunately did not write down the name of the speaker who gave a beautiful talk comparing physical walls and bridges to what wills us.            She started out her talk with a brief history of the Berlin wall which was built in 1961.  Citizens were informed that the wall was for their protection.  Whether we choose to call it protection or defense, for many the wall was a personal prison.  The wall did not come down until almost two decades later.  That is a long time to feel trapped and apart.  It isn’t healthy.           The speaker then went on to talk about the bri...

My Heart Was Not There

           I don't recall ever having attended a leadership meeting on a stake level, but it seemed as though I had been invited - although I don't know who had told me.   I asked Roland if we were going.   He said that he would but not the adult session as he says he never gets much out of it.   I on the other hand, have always preferred the adult stake meeting as I rarely have ever gotten anything out of the Sunday meeting - especially since we have moved to Oregon.           I had volunteered to work a shift at the Annex, but wore my dress so that Roland and I could just leave as soon as I returned home.   I returned home before he did and guessed that he probably wouldn't want to return to Roseburg.   I was right.   I should have just called around to see who else was going and if I would be able to catch a ride.   Instead I finished my homework for the week.   On...

Puffer Fish Nests and Minus in Ministry

            Evidently, there was an agenda created for the stake conference that had to be changed after the general conference announcements.   originally there had been a meeting created for the priesthood which had been changed to all auxiliary leaders.   Roland was required to attend that one, but I was not.   I said I had wished to go to the adult meeting as I generally get more from it than from the Sunday morning meeting.   We both did.   My favorite talk was the first one given after the introduction and new agenda - all on the same topic - which was ministry.             The first speaker was given permission to show a visual similar to this:                Though displayed on the overhead screen, I did not notice the fish that she tried to point out.   I can b...