Comatose Weather and Downright Lazy Weekend
I remember the weather when we first went into lockdown last year. It was nice. Jenna and I would walk around the neighborhood (or just our yard – pre the neighbors' arrogant chickens and Bonnies) and take pictures. This year has been overcast, windy and cold – except when it’s not. It’s like mother nature has a endless case of PMS and is wreaking havoc with the skies. Sending awful turbulence and bleakness – at least in my neck of the woods. Strange, but as I write this, the sun is shining like it has been there all this time. Never enveloped with clouds or darkness. I have blamed the weather for my being tired - though I have probably OD’d on sugar since Easter. It did not help matters when yesterday after feeling bloated, Roland insisted I take some Alka-Seltzer -which would be fine but the only Alka-Seltzer we ...