
Showing posts with the label YouTube

Internet Problems Because of the Weather?

  Played Phrasel with Jaime this morning and afternoon.   Still foggy outside.   Seems to be interfering with many of the sites on the internet.     Played games with Jaime but had problems opening other games or even continue with scrabble cheat.   It ’ s like the towers aren ’ t getting signals due to the fog.     Only YouTube hasn ’ t been given me problems.   Not the way the other sites have.  Even this site was  giving me a problem at first.

You Are Messing Up My Account!

               Ever since we had acquired other services (such as Netflix and YouTube) in which we can each set up our own account,  Jenna would set up her account and do her best to safeguard it so that ONLY the shows/vids she watches will be documented.  No imposters welcome on her account.  Only Roland would often pick shows to watch regardless on whatever account he lands on.  I at least have the decency to use the guest account when I have not created one for myself or someone else has created for me.               I do understand why she gets annoyed as Roland’s feed does include some less than wholesome activity – not that he has watched it all.   Sometimes a program may look interesting and may already be documented before it’s realized that there wasn’t enough interest in the program to continue – but once it’s been looked at, it may remain in the ...

I Don’t Get It

                I think there are gremlins bugging the social media right now – or some aspects of it anyway.   I have noticed it on facebook and YouTube, but I don’t know which order – probably facebook.   Each time they try to improve the site, there are millions of bugs that cause havoc for the user.             Lately facebook has ignored my requests of who I would like notifications from and have been throwing in notifications at random.   Just the other day I received a notification for someone I wasn’t even aware I was facebook friends with (which goes to show how close we are) and so I have been typing in the names of family members just so I am updated about their latest thoughts.             As I have mentioned in at least two other posts, I created a Relief Society pa...