
Showing posts with the label photography

Allow Me To Back Up a Bit . . .

           We had made arrangements with a local photographer to take some head shots of Jenna; we had planned to meet at Millsite on Monday morning.   We arrived at the park about 8:45 to find it packed with Bible Camp participants.   We texted the photographer to let her know and that we were headed to another park.   She took several shots before we parted ways . . . well, sort of.   Each of us was headed to the library but arrived at different times.           We assisted with the children’s reading program before Jenna and I left to return home. After six we drove to the blueberry farm as I believed Evelyn was expecting us.   We were told we could stay and pick and probably we should have stayed an hour at least, but we left and said we’d return the next morning.           Neither Jenna nor I were in a hurry to go home and so sto...