Allow Me To Back Up a Bit . . .
We had made arrangements with a local
photographer to take some head shots of Jenna; we had planned to meet at
Millsite on Monday morning. We arrived
at the park about 8:45 to find it packed with Bible Camp participants. We texted the photographer to let her know
and that we were headed to another park.
She took several shots before we parted ways . . . well, sort of. Each of us was headed to the library but
arrived at different times.
We assisted with the children’s
reading program before Jenna and I left to return home. After six we drove to
the blueberry farm as I believed Evelyn was expecting us. We were told we could stay and pick and
probably we should have stayed an hour at least, but we left and said we’d
return the next morning.
Neither Jenna nor I were in a hurry to
go home and so stopped off at Millsite.
Something was going on. Bible
Camp still? The bouncy house was gone,
but State Farm had its awning stand set up and we could see five or six people
sitting on lawn chairs on the grass closest to the stage. Jenna thought she recognized Savannah in the
distance. I didn’t have my glasses
on. I didn’t know. We walked in the direction. She waved as we passed. Once we had walked and were heading toward
the car, I asked if she wanted to walk by Savannah’s family again but close
enough to talk to them.
Savannah’s youngest brother
practically flew out of his seat.
“Jenna!” he gave her a hug.
Turns out that there was a showing of COCO.
I was not to stay as the sun would have set before the movie ended. Savannah’s mom and brother asked grandpa if
he’d be willing to dive Jenna home and so I left her there. I fell asleep before she returned home and
Roland sent me to bed and waited up for her.
Yesterday I knocked on her door
between 5:30 and 6:00.
“Do I have to?” Jenna asked. “I want to
sleep until 11:00.”
Jenna rarely ever wants to
sleep. Getting up at 8:00 is sleeping in
for her.
“If you want me to, I can call Evelyn
and tell her we can’t make it until tomorrow.”
I think yesterday may have been better picking wise than today. It seemed cooler because it was overcast. But it was also muggy. 65% humidity. What's up with that? Last night I said I would take her this morning. I also told her I would just stay with her.
Meanwhile Roland had planned for us to go to the movie that they offer for the seniors on the third Wednesday of the month. Dang. I had forgotten! But I did promise Jenna – though I guess I had agreed to go with him to the movies first. I wasn’t about to take Jenna out and leave her there all day. We stayed two and a half to three hours before returning home. Roland was waiting in the driveway.
I think yesterday may have been better picking wise than today. It seemed cooler because it was overcast. But it was also muggy. 65% humidity. What's up with that? Last night I said I would take her this morning. I also told her I would just stay with her.
Meanwhile Roland had planned for us to go to the movie that they offer for the seniors on the third Wednesday of the month. Dang. I had forgotten! But I did promise Jenna – though I guess I had agreed to go with him to the movies first. I wasn’t about to take Jenna out and leave her there all day. We stayed two and a half to three hours before returning home. Roland was waiting in the driveway.
First time ever we had gone to the
theater and the movie started right after we sat down. We even had good seats. I don’t know what interfered with my sinuses,
but I was allergic to something!
Normally when my allergies act up, my right eye will be all itchy,
sometimes the left – rarely both. But
both eyes were itching during the movie.
I was tearing up. My nose was
running. I was sneezing uncontrollably. It was as if someone had brought a bunch of chrysanthemums to the theater. There is a plant that doesn't agree with me (actually there are many but I believe that mums are the worst). The overload of allergy sensation stopped somewhere between Winston and
Myrtle Creek. I haven’t had an allergy
attack like that since living in Utah.
That was rough!
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