More Homonyms

Ate is the past tense of Eat.  I Like to eat food.  I Ate food yesterday.  Eight is the number that falls between 7 and 9.
There is a joke that says 7,8,9  but there is a play on words instead of saying Eight (8) you are saying Ate

Pain means sore or achy.  A pane is a panel of glass used in windows. I feel pain when I step on a broken pane.

A Bell is a thing that I ring to get someone's attention.  A Bail is a temporary release of someone in jail - usually for a payment.  A Bale of hay is the same as a bundle.  I can also have a bale of money to pay my friend's bail when he was thrown in jail for ringing his bell too loudly.

A chute is a slide for laundry or garbage - an easy way to send from one floor to another without having to carry it down.  To shoot is light a cannon or send fireworks in the sky.  I may also shoot or release an arrow toward a certain target.

principle is a truth or foundation.  A principal is the head honcho in the school.  I was once taught that a principal is my pal.  That is how I remember the spelling.

Not is a negative word meaning "NO".  I am NOT a professional speller.  I am also not through with this post. A knot is the result of how something is tied.  It prevents a rope or cord from coming loose.  A knot is often made intentionally, but sometimes it's not.

Red is a color.  And read is pronounced two different ways.  When it sounds like "red" it is the past tense of read - which sounds like reed. Read is something I do or have done to books or texts or memos. Reed has several meanings. I won't list them all but a couple.  A reed is a plant found in wet or marshy areas.  It is related to the grass plant.  A different type of reed is used in some wind instruments like the oboe or clarinet.  When air is blown over the reed, it will vibrate which contributes to the sound that the woodwind instrument makes.

The toe can be found at the end of my foot.  I have five toes on each foot. To tow is to pull something. Usually, we think of cars being towed after a crash or because of unauthorized parking.  Many centuries ago, the cords or tow lines were made of white fiber.  Some people who have really light blonde hair are referred to as towheads as a reminder of the color used on tow lines.

Dear is a term of endearment.  Most people start their letters with the word DEAR.  Deer is a kind of animal.  Deer can be singular or plural.

A herd is a group of animals. Some people may use a microphone or megaphone so that they may be heard.

Your is possessive meaning it belongs to you. You're means "you are" and Yore is an old fashion term meaning long ago.

 Yon is short for yonder which could mean "far away" or "clear over there".  It may have been a more popular word at the same time as yore.  When I yawn I am expressing that I am bored or tired.  Words like "yore" and "yon" tend to make me yawn


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