The Closest Fire - Too Close to the Road

                Yesterday was overcast when I went to the pool.  I prefer going there when the skies are grey with moisture and not sun that blinds.  We are all hoping that the overcast skies and humidity will help with the fire.

                The fire started near the 97 mile marker less than 10 miles south of where I live.  The news reports that it had been started by an illegal camp fire.  It is the closest fire we have ever had and yet the air quality has been better than any other summer . . . for us anyway.  The smoke is thick and black and horrible to the south.  The smoke has infected Glendale, Grants Pass and of course Medford (has there been a summer yet that smoke hasn’t invaded Medford?)  Reports say the smoke has made its way as far as Ashland.  Oh, my word . . . I didn’t realize it had been windy enough to be carried that far.

Daily Express
              Off Ramp Exit 95 has been closed.  I wonder if Interstate 5 will close all together .  The yellow line represents I-5.  There is no yellow road in the part circled in green.  What is the alternative?

OPB here

Daily express see here

                We live less than two miles from Myrtle Creek airport.  I remember some people complaining about paying taxes for an airport that they never use.  Though we may not use it directly, the majority of traffic from the airport to the sky is for our benefit.  Currently there are 15 helicopters traveling back and forth to MC airport to assist with the spreading fire.  Over 15 firemen have been injured.  I’m suspecting that many of them are volunteer fire fighters.

I did take the two above; I have cropped the photos 
I took this picture in January last year
Newswatch 12 here

                 I’d love to be able to take my own pictures but am certain my presence would be in the way and my desire to get pictures is not nearly as important as the work that needs to be done.  I hear them more often than I see them.  Though I have taken one from my backyard, it comes out more like "Where's Waldo".  Thus I’ve provided links from which I have borrowed these pictures

Miles Furuichi here
                It’s really strange how drastically the elements have changed from what they were just five months ago.

Robin Loznak - News Review here

The overcast sky changed to a brilliant blue just after noon.  This morning the sun has risen early but the skies are murky.  The air quality has gone from good to moderate.  I feel bad for those who have it worse than we do.


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