
Showing posts with the label space

Good-bye Family, Hello Back Room

            As I had mentioned in prior posts we had wanted to redo our flooring and add a back room to the house.   Roland had taken time off work the last week of April as we believed that when the floors would be done.   That was the initial plan.   However the product we ordered had to be shipped – which added nearly another month before the floors were started. Unfortunately it hasn’t been finished.   I don’t know if the error was with shipping product or inaccurate measuring so the correct amount of product had not been ordered to begin with or what exactly happened.   But we are still waiting for flooring.   The kitchen isn’t finished and the bathrooms have not been started.   The bathrooms were what I had been concerned about the most – particularly the master bathroom which I know has water damage. We had hired someone local out of Winston.   I was impressed with him and do like his work.   Rola...

Another Post with Free Thought and Weather

          I like the sound of rain           Good Thing as it           has rained for most of           this month                     We have skylights in           our front room and           our bedroom and           sometimes the rain wakes me           after I have fallen           asleep           I know it's wet and cold           outside      ...