
Showing posts with the label deer

What’s the Point?

           There is still a mask war and I suppose will be for as long as necessary.   Missionaries are required to wear masks while in public.   It is an inspired requirement .   Our ward mission leader is against wearing a mask – which puzzles me for a couple of reasons – well maybe more than a couple, but I will mention only two.           His son married the daughter of his next door neighbor who is avid about wearing masks and keeping social distances as her husband’s health is failing and has been for some time. They share the same grandchildren and yet seem insensitive to the restrictions that his in-laws would like to enforce. I’m not saying that he is insensitive.   I, of course, don’t have all of the facts.   I’m just saying that the action seems insensitive.            Who are we to not honor a requirement that the missionaries t...

Morning Drive

I leave the house between 5:00 and 5:30 before the sun has risen but still light enough to see.   I will drive Jenna and her friends to the blueberry patch and drop them off just before six.   The last few mornings I’ve driven Jenna by herself   Occasionally I will see deer.   Jenna and I spotted one the other day a young dough trying to push her head through the fence wanting to get inside but not sure how.   I have seen a young stag grazing near the shoulder of the highway imagining that he would return to the fold and tell all of his friends, “Yes.   The cars were this close to me, but I wasn’t scared.”   Anther young stag who didn’t appear to be in his right mind staggered across the street as though he was drunk.   Another young stag still who waited for me to pass unlike the doe in this post.   I hadn’t seen that before and marveled that he would stop and wait like a human who had been trained ...

Freeing Ourselves From the Snares

Warning folks - this post is a long one.  I have been trying to find the right words to convey my thoughts and hope that I have.  I somehow seem to have a big following in Italy - though I can't imagine why.  I know I don't have the greatest sentence structure and my thoughts somehow get clouded. May you have success in comprehending how this is written:                     I am so sick of marketing ploys that prey on people’s weaknesses or vanity that should you use said product you will not only look years younger but feel amazing.   There are products for getting rid of wrinkles, bags under the eyes, weight, etc.   One product claims tighter skin just by rolling their magic stone around your face.   It’s like society has conditioned us that if we should have turkey necks, wrinkles, scars, pimples or whatever – we are unworthy to be associating with second class...