Showing posts with label senior year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label senior year. Show all posts

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Perhaps Not Perfect, But Close

             I had asked a friend if she would drive me to the airport yesterday.  I had changed the time of her flight and would have been able to drive myself but my friend was still willing in fact looking forward to it perhaps more than I.  Before the pandemic she had received a gift card to Red Lobster but has not used it in all of this time.  So after we went to the airport and picked up Jenna, our friend drove us to Red Lobster and used her gift card on overpriced food that really didnt seem worth what we would have paid.  Jenna and I do love the cheese rolls which she enjoyed more than I.  It probably isnt the fault of Red Lobster but rather my taste buds (or lack thereof) that are to blame. 

Currently Jenna is in Cottage Grove attending the high school football game not that she knows anything about football or any other sport.  She has school spirit as many of those from the class of 2022.  They have always been so supportive of one another unlike the class of 2023 who had somewhat of a mischievous reputation.  I dont know how much of that has changed since the pandemic.  I know 2022 continues to be strong.  They are definitely an awesome bunch of kids.


On Monday I took her to the high school for parent teacher conference.  Though she currently has eight classes, she has only five instructors.  Seeing them all took only 15-20 minutes plus a few minutes of visits with those who are not her instructors.  Everybody loves Jenna and the feedback is always positive.  I knew that already. 

She needs only two classes to graduate but has decided to take six electives to contribute making her senior year a wonderful experience though the two required classes are a Lot of work.  She is and always has been a great student academically as she is supportive of her peers.  She’s a gem.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda . . .

 Last year when I enrolled Jenna for ORCA, they came back with her to enroll as a senior - which sounded absolutely cool to me. But neither Roland nor Jenna seemed particularly interested in advancing her - especially because Jenna wanted the opportunity of graduating with her class mates at the local high school and not online.  This morning she informed me of the death of one of the staff members who just recently died of COVID.  I don't know why she thinks that.  She doesn't seem to have a source.

It is too late for us to enroll her back in ORCA.  As I mentioned, the school has been put on week delay from when they were supposed to start.  Oregon has called in the national guard to assist with the problem the state is facing with COVID (more specifically the Delta Variant) outbreak.  The state has made national news.  I wish we would have enrolled her as a senior.  Then I wouldn't feel like I am throwing her to the lions den.