Showing posts with label church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label church. Show all posts

Monday, July 8, 2024

Growth and Shrinkage

           The last ward we attended in Utah was called Granger 14th.  Boundaries were exceptionally weird, but we did have enough activity that there were two adult Sunday Schools. I don’t recall anyone having multiple callings.  It was a good ward.

          We had only been here for a couple of years when we returned to Utah for my late daughter-in-law’s funeral.  We had been invited to stay for a linger longer at the Granger 14th.  A lot of people had moved out of the ward in that two years time.  A LOT.  I asked someone if a lot of members were on vacation.  Looking around she claimed that most of the ward was in attendance.  The ward had shrunk.

          When Jaime and I had gone back for a visit last year we were told that the Granger 14th had dissolved. That's too bad.  Understandable, but still sad.

          The other day I received a phone call from my sister updating me on the boundary changes that had taken place within their stake (first area where Richard and I had moved to).  She, for one, was grateful for the change as there has always been an overwhelming amount of members who were not active and so did not have callings.

          Our current ward has had a lot of inactivity as well.  I have never lived in a ward where I couldn’t walk from one end to the other.  I don’t know how many miles the ward boundary covers.  I know there are some who if they visited others would take over an hour just to arrive at one another’s houses. 

          We have had six or seven convert baptisms just this year.  Most are still active.  There is one who is slipping and two that have received the discussions but have not committed to baptism – rather have listened to those who are against having them baptized.

          There is growth – such as having only six wards in our stake after we moved in.  We now currently have seven. There is also shrinkage. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

What May Feel Like the Duration or Released Before Your Feet are Wet

               Scouting is no longer a calling in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but there was a time when it was – which is still a sore subject for some.  I remember when Richard had been called to be a scout leader for the primary youth.  He was told that it would be a five year calling.  I don’t think he was in for even a year before he called to be first counselor in the Elder’s quorum.

         I think it was just April of this year that Richard had been called as a Sunday School teacher for the 11-14 year-olds.  In July he was called to be the Sunday School president.  Just now he was called as first Counselor in the priesthood quorum.  Wow.  I wonder who the new Sunday School president will be?

         It’s funny how it seems there are some people stuck in callings as though it is a lifetime position and there are others that are released before they’ve had much opportunity to even be recognized as having ever served in that position.  Richard is great at accepting callings regardless of position.  He seems to serve his position longest when he has been second counselor.  Interesting.

Monday, January 31, 2022

Empty Pews


          I think it was Friday night when our bishop posted that the COVID cases are high in the ward and advised members who had/have symptoms to stay home.  I thought that church was cancelled but learned that I had misread.  Still, I wondered why it hadn’t been cancelled all together.  Our numbers were few.

          I counted 36 people in the chapel and perhaps 20 more in the overflow – I don’t know why the accordion doors hadn’t been closed so that those who chose to sit that far back wouldn’t have the option.  It isn’t as though there were any screaming youth to take out.  In fact, there were only six youth in total.  Only two of them were primary age.

          Roland had been called to teach Sunday School for the youth ages 12-14 but ended up with both classes making his class total a grand total of all four youth that had come to church yesterday.  It was definitely an interesting Sunday.  I hope there were more who had chosen to attend virtually.  I don’t think I have ever seen our numbers down quite that low – though the pandemic has put a strain on attendance.  Even the missionaries are in quarantine right now.

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Better Than Denny's

         I went to Church by myself last week.  Jenna had opted to go with Roland to pick up Randy and his family at the airport.  Roland and I had picked up a van the day before.  We had also borrowed a playpen for the baby to sleep in. 

I am happy I was there for sacrament meeting.  Bonnie’s doctor and his wife were the speakers.  We hadn’t seen Dr. Nay at Church since COVID began.  He still had a mask on his face which made me feel guilty that I wasn’t wearing mine (as masks are now optional at Church)

Sister Nay talked about taking upon His name and comparing simple reminders to power bars or power bites.  Reading the scriptures would be a power bar, performing service, being kind . . . Though I have put Sister Nay on possibly a higher pedestal than perhaps she would place herself, it made me realize that even those that seem to be natural at taking upon His name and wouldn’t need power bars do have to work at it. Spiritual power bars give us energy.

Dr. Nay had mentioned that oft times we may become offended by the choice of words or actions of another – but it isn’t as though most people are going around intentionally offending others.  Sometimes we just get rubbed the wrong way or see things out of context.  How we react is on us.  I wish I had taken notes.  Both talks were both very meaningful.  I enjoyed them a lot.

It appears I published a post after I returned figuring I would see them all within the hour.  Ironically, I could have created several more thoughts to post each day but had decided to finish watching a movie I had started the week prior.  I had even gone through a second and wondered: “Where in the world could they be?”

I did figure that they would stop for something to eat even though Roland had Chicken Cacciatore cooking in the crockpot.  They made the mistake of choosing a Denny’s that evidently was not fully staffed.  The ironic thing was that in the time they had ordered until the time they were served, they could have eaten the Cacciatore.  I had several reports that it was NOT a good experience.  But at least they got to visit, right?  Probably in a more productive way than the van would allow.

So now I have a week’s worth of family time plus another two unrelated but will perhaps be mentioned during their first day of June with us.  I have loads of pictures that Jenna had taken.  How great it is that she is documenting what I used to.  So, I’m back.  Don’t know how missed I was.

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Hey, I Know That Guy! We Used to Work Together

           The first meeting we had attended in our current ward happened to land on Fathers’ Day -  though I don’t recall any mention of Father’s Day whatsoever.  The two talks given seemed to focus on Social Media which I thought was a strange topic to be delivering over the pulpit on a Sunday morning. I didn’t realize that only five years later it would become a necessary tool for the missionaries.

We didn’t have social media when I was on my mission.  Facebook was out when my three boys had served their missions, but it certainly wasn’t encouraged and now the missionaries are required to have facebook accounts. We had two elders over on Saturday night and they asked if they could leave a thought before they drove away.  Their thought was on contacting others through facebook – which is what triggered the memory of our first meeting which one elder said must have been an inspired theme.

Though many churches have met as a congregation there are still a tremendous amount of people who do not attend because of age and health risks.  Thus many wards and stakes offer the option of viewing though social media.  In our ward the viewer has to belong to the ward page to click on the facebook link.  We were told that the meeting can no longer be viewed once it ends.  But I have been able to view it within an hour or so after returning home.  I think it might vanish once everyone has left the building.

Then there’s my sisters stake as well as others in the surrounding Salt Lake Valley that offer church services through YouTube.  I know my daughter-in-law had provided a three hour window before the video of the meeting was removed.  My sister hadn’t provided a time limit when she has sent videos.

There is a sacredness which could easily be desecrated by sharing on social media.  On the other hand, I also see this as a missionary tool – perhaps a stronger one than a disappearing share.  One may accidently stumble across a meeting and might find someone they know.  They may recognize my brother-in-law for example as someone they had worked with or who had taken their pictures.  That seems like it would be an effective tool for those who are curious enough to explore beyond his words and research the church and ask for the missionaries who do teach outside of the home but are able to set up virtual meetings too.

I remember having to knock on doors to find people – not the most effective way in my opinion.  Missionaries aren’t even allowed to knock on doors anymore – not even a member who has invited them over for dinner - at least in this area.  They stand outside and wait for someone to remember to open the door without the knocking reminder.

I’m grateful for the good things that can be found on social media and having it available to me.  I enjoy being able to view other wards I can’t realistically attend in person.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Virtual Hugs Just Don’t Cut It

         It was the third week of Church for the ward Im in.  My sister Kayla said her ward had returned last month or possibly in July.  She said that the members will attend every other week in order to allow social distancing.  I think thats great that there are that many in attendance as the last time I had gone to her ward the attendance seemed even less than what this ward has been a lot of empty pews and much social distancing even before it was a thing.

         Wearing a mask can be bothersome, but its not a tremendous sacrifice on my part nor am I too proud to wear one.  I appreciate surgeons and dentists wearing masks, all the frontline workers required to wear a mask all day.  Surely if they can do it for 4 10 hour shifts, a few minutes to a few hours shouldnt be a big deal for me.  The mask is not the problem.  Its not being able to connect in the way that we did pre-COVID.  Its a learning curve, I suppose.  Finding things that we may have been unaware of or had taken for granted.  I want to be to be fed but also assist in feeding  - which I do not.  It feels lonely like I am observing through plated glass and cannot break my way through.  But it isnt meant for me to break through and Im just having a hard time accepting it.

         We did have a testimony meeting today which was nice.  I enjoy hearing from those in the congregation especially as it has been almost seven months since our last testimony meeting.  Most talked about having opportunities and finding peace within the turmoil or stopping to appreciate what strengths were learned from the trials that weve had.

         One sister came up to me after the meeting.  The sparkle in my eye was obviously not there and she was concerned.  I just dont care for the distance thats been created.  I had smiled a couple of times during the meeting.  Apparently it hadnt reached or remained in my eyes.  I did pray that I would be spiritually fed and to a degree I was but still left feeling hungry as I had two weeks prior.  As of now I think Jenna and I will do just every other week.

         Im supposed to meet with the missionaries which I guess is every other Wednesday prior to or right after the Book of Mormon class. Jenna had been attending with the secretary for the Young Womens.  But YW is now the same day as Book of Mormon.  It used to be the same day as Relief Society but we no longer have activities and will meet once a month for lessons.  It will in mornings so our older sisters can participate.  Many cannot see to drive in the darkness. I cant see to drive in the dark. 

        I look forward to General Conference next week and hope my heart is more open than it has been.  I have been so wrapped up in emotions toward the direction the country has gone.  I struggle with thoughts I had when I had learned about this revelation in primary now turned into a reality that Im really not happy to be a part of. 

    When Jesus spoke in parables those who had the spirit with them were able to find the message that spoke to them.  The Pharisees, so set in their ways, did not recognize truth.  I am overwhelmed by how many Pharisees I encounter today.  I am shocked and I am saddened and have come to learn that I really don't know these people.  I pray that the members may be blessed as they prepare to vote in the elections that they will be open to whatever direction that God may lead us and may we always rely on him.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Be Prepared . . . Perhaps

When the “Come Follow Me” program was introduced at the same time as two hour meetings, we were told to use the third hour to study at home.  We were also told that we wanted to develop the habit for one day when we were unable to attend church meetings for whatever reason.  None of us had predicted this soon however.

We had cancelled our last RS activity due to the weather and decided to cancel our upcoming as well.  We had made the decision before the church announced NO MORE MEETINGS until further notice (here). Only seminary will be held unless the schools shut.  But as of now only seminary is the only meeting that will be held at the ward house.  No others.  Not even sacrament meeting. 

Why do people panic instead of remaining calm?  Why do so many always expect the worse.  Instead of viewing the police car at the high school as “Oh, good.  They are keeping my child safe” a parent may panic and demand, “What is going on?” or a fire truck at the elementary . . . of course Roland is looking at this with a business mind and political gain.  I seriously doubt the church is in it for either of those.  And it always takes much longer for the world to catch up to what God has warned us about all along.

Some are eye rollers and don’t understand the severity – or don’t want to.  Closing our eyes to what’s happening won’t make it go away.  When a sporting event is cancelled, then I know that it’s serious.  They haven’t cancelled the schools as of yet, but have limited to school only – no parent teacher conferences, no assemblies, no athletic or performing art events.  Today the air raids have been going off all day. 

We have “bug out” bags located next to our door.  Over the years we have added, borrowed and changed items but have never had to use for intended purpose.  Even now.  We won’t be “bugging out”, we will be staying in.  Hopefully with the benefits of electrical communication and running water.  We won’t stay marooned.  Jenna and I will go to the park or elsewhere if school is cancelled.  Hang out in the fresh air.  It will still be fresh air? 

I came to Oregon, not just to add years to my life, but decades.  I intend to claim them. 

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Long Day

            The RS Pres. asked if I would pick up a food order in Winston.  I Googled the address but I did not like the option it showed on how to get there.  I DON’T wish to stay on the freeway so I can exit at 119 just so I can return back down.  There had to be another way.  I blew up the map and paid attention to the landmarks that were near the dentist office that I go to.  The addresses are on the same street!  I’m not going to get off 119 when I can get off 112 and work my way up.  That’s what I’ll do.

            Yesterday morning – before I was even out of bed – I thought about two streets in Myrtle Creek that don’t go through.  One cannot get from the post office on Broadway to a resident who lives towards Chestnut or Neal.  It ends at Spruce on one side and dead ends on the other.

            Same thing with Spruce.  You can’t get from the 7th Day Adventist Church to the Catholic Church for example.  Once you hit Division you are at the school, and Spruce doesn’t continue until Rice curves into it above the hill at the corner of Coffenberry. Though a person could walk the distance of Spuce, I suppose.  Cross into the school parking lot and climb the hill and go from there.

            I am certain that I have mentioned before that the kids have a running joke about Coffins and being buried  (Coffen/berry) in the cemetery so close to their school.  The other day I received a text that asked if I would be working at “Cough and Bury” last week.  I laughed thinking she had typed it in that way on purpose, but really it was Google recording her dictation. 

Catholic cemetery, vineyard and Church taken from Coffenberry

            Yesterday I traveled close to 80 miles – which might not seem like a big deal to some people, but I personally am not used to driving that many miles in just one day.  I went 15 miles to the church in Winston(took about 35 minutes), 15 miles return (somehow that was shorter), another 7 miles to deliver (drive wasn’t as long as unloading), to homeward church from there (another 10 or so miles) stayed for 90 minutes, back to Winston for the dentist and return home. 

            Wrote this post.  Slept great last night.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019


          I remember when I was on my mission, and even now, we were (or are) told to stay clear of using abbreviations or initials to describe something that unless you are a member of the Church and are already familiar with the lingo, most non-members are not going to get that RS stands for Relief Society, YW stands for young women, etc. 
          I know I have been guilty of this in my blog - abbreviating.  Occasionally I do try to explain myself or refer to sites that will.  Back then (on my mission) the top initials used were D&C meaning Doctrine and Covenants (which is not what the majority of the population will think D&C means;  even many active church members I had met would first think of Dilation and curettage) and GA for General Authority.

          I suppose I appreciate the advice more now to steer clear from using abbreviations without interjecting the full meaning at least every now and then.  Currently I am taking my last accounting class.  My last one!!!  Talk about being initial happy.  The Church never had anything on the accountants as far as initial goes . . . and yet it seems there are always more initials to be had.  What a pain in the . . .  well, you know.  GAAP, IFRS, FSA, FASB, LIFO, FIFO and now a brand new one to my ears GASB - come one people !!!!  Why, you ask, have I never defined any of these?  Really?  My brain is so confused.  When I talk about my traumatic experiences with accounting, I want the reader to feel my confusion.  When I use the initials without explanation, don't you feel confused?  And even if I defined them, I promise, it does not make any of them any more exciting.  Accountants are boring!  Okay, maybe not all accountants, but the subject certainly is.  I think reading a math text book is more exciting.

          So why I am I even majoring in this, you ask?  I was hoping to straighten up my own personal finances and I've gone to tell you, NONE of those initials apply to anybody's personal finances.  They all have to do with business.  Early on I had learned that "accounting is the language of business"  - maybe that's why I hate the term "business" so much.  Why is it that I am having so much trouble sleeping?  Seriously.  You would think this stuff should put anybody in a coma for a year at least.

          To all of my readers who haven't been familiar with any lingo I've used in regards to the Church, my apologies.  I will try to do better.  For all of my readers who may not be familiar with any of the lingo I've used in regards to the accounting classes that have caused me attitudes of frustration, welcome to my world.  It's unforgivable lingo . . . but I'm certainly not the one who came up with it.  I think it was invented by those who are in a state of comatose.   Why would you purposely wish to make yourself sound dull?

Oh, and just for the record.  YW was the only Church term that spellcheck did not recognize.  Only two of the boring accounting abbreviations were recognized.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Changing Boundaries

            When there are not enough active members attending church, wards may combine as others are done away with.  When there is growth in the church, new wards and stakes are created. I have lived in such areas that affected ward boundaries.

            I am too young to remember when my mom and neighbors were a part of the third ward.  I had always known us as the forth.  Just after or right before I had graduated high school, it was announced that our ward boundaries would be changing as our stake would include members on the west side of state street.  One and a half streets were made a part of the seventh ward.  I remember there wasn't much support in the "sustaining vote" - nevertheless, it was carried out.  

            It wasn't too many years later when I was out on my mission, mom wrote to tell me that another stake would be created and we would have our one and a half streets of members back in our ward.  I remember, sometime after returning home from my mission,  a brother giving a talk in sacrament meeting about a short-lived calling that he had accepted in the 7th ward.  He had been called as a counselor in the bishopric and served for one week before it was dissolved.  I remember him saying he had never been part of a ward that had been dissolved,  let alone had accepted and served such a short calling.  

            Even though the 7th ward had been "dissolved" - it was due to the growth of a new stake. It seemed to be an opposite problem when I lived in Kearns.
            We had a bishop who had compared our ward boundaries to a giant apartment building in which move-ins and moving out happened so constantly that it was sometimes difficult to keep track - especially as the church would continue mailing back church records as it was always the "last known address"  We would even get records of members with addresses that were not even a part of the ward boundaries.  

            The stake lost two wards during the time that we lived there.  I remember one member complaining that she had lived in eight different wards during her marriage and lived at the same address through all eight changes.  Thus when the stake announced that the boundaries would change again, I was prepared to live in another ward.  The change put my next-door neighbor in a different ward than I; she was not happy about the change after having lived in the same ward for over 30 years.

            Before we moved to Douglas County, Canyonville and Myrtle Creek had been two separate wards.  I don't know when the boundaries changed, but the wards were combined and the church building in Canyonville was sold. It takes 45 min to an hour for some of our ward members to get to the building in Myrtle Creek.

            When we moved to Douglas County there were six wards: Winston, South Umpqua, Sutherlin, Roseburg, Melrose and Newton Creek.  The last three all Roseburg wards but none go by those names anymore, but rather names of the dividing streets: Garden Valley, Harvard, North Umpqua, and Parkway.  Growth:  our stake now has seven wards.  South Umpqua, North Umpqua, and Sutherlin are the largest wards geographically. Each ward is geographically larger than the other four wards put together. May we continue to grow.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Coincidence or By Divine Design - Relief Society

            When I'm teaching primary, I'm sitting down.  When I taught RS, I was standing up.  The sisters have decided to put themselves in a circle, which has its benefits.  I thought I might try walking around and pace myself back and forth as I've seen another instructor do - but my voice doesn't seem to carry as loud as hers nor did I have much of a voice on Sunday and so had to stand behind the microphone.

            NONE of the shoes that I wear on Sunday are very comfortable and so my feet hurt as I neared the end of my lesson and later on that night I was experiencing back pain.  I blame the shoes.  I think Roland would blame my weight.  Probably a combination of the two.

            There are posts on either my own or my brother's blog which provide several reference to everything I discussed in my lesson - well almost everything.  

Dear Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin spoke of an occasion when President Thomas S. Monson said to him: “There is a guiding hand above all things. Often when things happen, it’s not by accident. One day, when we look back at the seeming coincidences of our lives, we will realize that perhaps they weren’t so coincidental after all.”

            After I had passed around the photos of my mom and dad found in this post, I shared an experience that Roland and I had while he was a realtor.  He had made appointments for showing clients houses that were still occupied by their owners.  The clients noticed a newly listed house across the street that hadn't been on Roland's agenda because  he hadn't known about it, but as it was also occupied, he might have to make arrangements for another appointment and return at a later date.  As it turned out, the owners were gone and we were able to go inside.

            The interior of the first house seemed to have dark walls in most of its rooms.  No photos on the wall.  Just a couple on a night stand.  I thought it seemed poorly lit. The house across the street was the same exact floor plan except in reverse.  And with brighter walls.  A great big picture of an LDS temple (though I forget which one; the picture was definitely the largest I have seen - exceeding the entire length on the couch) LOTS of photographs and "families are forever" themes. It was roughly 20,000 more than any other house they looked at.  But it's the one that they wanted.  Was it a coinsidence or divine design?

"But remember, He has always used ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things" - Ronald A. Rasband,  Oct 1, 2017

            I'm sure that to most people my dad was as ordinary as they come.  He was a very quiet man which I have mentioned in a post I created  the year that I started my blog. Even though we lived in the same house for over 30 years, talking to dad was often like pulling teeth.  Most of what I had shared with the sisters was second or third hand information from sources other than my dad.  I shared a bit about my dad's upbringing and his not having a testimony of the gospel - or perhaps it was just the church itself that he had strayed from.

            He was quite studios and a very good student.  In 1955 he'd been offered a full scholarship to BYU but had turned it down in order to join the navy - which he loathed.  He had joined the navy choir and had enjoyed that.  The nation was between wars and so he was never involved in active duty.  I don't think he had even left the country, but I could be wrong. Overall he really did not appreciate his time in the service.  Since he didn't talk about it, we can only speculate about what we think it was.  I think he may have found the vulgar language and lack of ethics among many of the sailors to be upsetting.

            I think my dad used Church as an escape from the navy.  One fast and testimony meeting he remembers a girl of about ten years of age (this is one of the few sources I have directly from my dad's own mouth) bore her testimony and said she knew the church was true, and he thought  - "If she can know, I can know."  And he devoted more time into finding God and getting reacquainted with the LDS faith.

          One night he was given permission to go to a Church dance.  There he met my mother.  They were married 14 months later.  They were married in Los Angeles Temple and had their wedding reception in the Church in the photo I had passed around where my father had had his picture taken 12 years before.  I don't know if my dad made the connection.  Probably not. I don't remember having seen the photo until my brother Corey posted it.  Had this all come about by coincidence or by divine design?

"Our lives are like a chessboard, and the Lord moves us from one place to another—if we are responsive to spiritual promptings. Looking back, we can see His hand in our lives" - Ronald A. Rasband,  Oct 1, 2017
              I then asked the sisters:  "How many of you have ever made plans about where your life was headed?  You work so many years of your life to stay on that path toward your goal and all of the sudden there is that fork in the road.  God may nudge you to go one way or perhaps you believe you made that choice on your own.  And one day you look over to where you could have been and compare it to where you are on the road right now and think:  "Hey, wait a minute.  I'm supposed to be over there on that path.  I don't think I like where this path is taking me"

            I asked the sisters if any would like to share an example.  When nobody did, I continued. The next example I shared was about Diane Ellingson. I had breifly mentioned her remarkable triumphant found here.  You can also hear her life story in her own words in a two part video fournd here.

"Sometimes life is hard and seems unfair but you are only defeated when you stop trying." - Diane Ellington Smith

" Most often, our good works are known to only a few. They are, however, recorded in heaven. One day, we will stand as a witness of our whole-souled devotion to works of righteousness." - Ronald A. Rasband,  Oct 1, 2017

            I also shared some examples about how often when we ask for blessings, God will send us the tools we need to acquire that blessing.  I used the example of Princess Merida from Disney/Pixar's "Brave"  here.

            I concluded with a poem Corey had written which could be used to desribe almost every "ordinary" person.  His poem can be found both here and here.

            Other references for my lesson include: 

Ronald A. Rasband
                                        talk found here

                my comments from talk found here


Mom &Dad

                                 great pictures here and here

                      dad's service in navy and awesome tribute by Corey/Cody here



                        trailer for Brave here       

Monday, January 29, 2018

Who is To Blame?

            I was on my mission when Howard Jones released "No One is to Blame" found here. Whenever I heard the song I would visualize a lower to middle class young man who had taken a job at a country club.  He has his eyes on one of the members - a girl from a prestige family background.  He would like a relationship with her and she with him, but as they are labeled into upper class and lowly servant, there is no relationship other than "client and worker"


            I now hear this song expressed in some talks given by various leaders - particularly when the talk is geared toward the family.  How many others can hear these words (symbolically of course)?

            I am grateful for the ward members that I think of as family as Roland and Jenna are my only biological family in this state.  Unfortunately not all wards are the same.  There are a wide variety of members and there are some who offend - even when it's not intentional.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

If Dead is the Look they were Going For, They have Succeeded

          Though I have had a small hand and say in making funeral arrangements, I have not had the opportunity of having to find a mortuary nor have considered every financial expect.  Before either of my parents had passed, there needed to be a record of what funeral home to contact should they expire.  My dad lived out his final days at Cottonwood Hospital in Murray, Utah.  Ironically, he had also been born there (or so I was told) but at that time it had been called Cottonwood Maternity Ward and wasn't the full blown hospital where he had died.     
          Mom had used a local mortuary as a contact I’m guessing because it was familiar territory as it had been used by other members of our ward.  Before mom passed, Corey had made arrangements for Premier Funeral – though none of us had heard of it before, it really does seem the most economical way to go. 

          Premier doesn’t offer a chapel or a show room in which members can walk around and look at caskets.  They offer a catalogue – which I suppose doesn’t go over well with some people, but Corey and I were fine with it.  Premier has a lot to offer – for one thing the body is embalmed right away – at least where it is possible. (autopsy would be an exception)

          Jeanie was already gone when the paramedics arrived.  Possibly before she fell- or why she was falling.  Her mother said that seven clots had been found in her lung(s) and not just one.  I don’t know what shade she was when the paramedics arrived or how pale she must have gotten in the morgue.  It feels a bit morbid wondering. 

          I was not impressed with the makeup job - but I have no idea what of Jeanie's facial condition when she arrived to the mortuary.  Perhaps they had done a marvelous job with the "canvas" given - I just didn't see that.  Mommy and Daddy had looked so natural, so peaceful, as though they were sleeping.  Jeanie looked like a corpse – like in a really low budget movie when everything looks fake.  It appeared that she had jaundice underneath the make-up.  It was hard seeing her like that.

          Biff had never been involved with any plans concerning funerals – except when we had asked him to be a pall bearer at my mom’s.  But that was the extent of it.  He had never gone to look for a casket or a burial plot.  I’m sure the funeral home they went through was the same one his in-laws had used when they had buried their other two children.  It was right next to – perhaps even part of the cemetery.  I think Biff just went along with what they wanted.  What did he know?  They had been through it before.  Roland and I have both gone through it, but we weren’t there.  We weren’t involved with the decisions or give advice or hold our son’s hand.

          I don’t know that his in-laws would have felt comfortable using Premier as they had the viewing in one location and the funeral in another.  The mortuary was in a familiar place where family and loved ones had already gathered.  They would have had to make arrangements for another chapel with Premier. But I think they would have saved a tremendous amount of cost.

          My son, Randy, had set up a fund for Biff and his daughter – a plea to help pay for expenses.  The goal was to hit 5,000.  3,000 had been raised in eight days by 62 different people. I cried every time I would see donations being made.  I know there were many who knew Jeanie personally, but still many that did not know her at all.  Some hadn’t even known Biff for that matter, and that touched my heart.  My nephew, Brian, was the first to contribute to the cause.

          I don’t know how many chapels and "comfort" rooms the funeral home offered.  I would guess at least seven.  It felt as if there had been seven different viewings all scheduled for Sunday night.  Perhaps there had only been four or five.  We had to pass them all in order to get the room where Jeanie and family were waiting.  The lines were long.  I’m sure that is why they had put us at the end.

          When mom died, we had her at the Relief Society room in the building where she attended church.  We were there Friday night and the mortuary took her away and brought her back the following morning and then we moved into the chapel. Premier had driven her back and forth.  I'm not knocking the full blown centers but am in favor of using Premier again.  They did an awesome job for us.  I was overwhelmed by the amount of traffic involved with Jeanie.  I never felt overwhelmed with Premier.  The situation was always calm and respectful.