
Showing posts with the label decisions

Letters From Rexburg: More Discoveries

                 Among the photos that Jai and I have gone though were several letters that evidently had come from my mom ’ s house. I have many memories from my past.  I remember a lot of details. I have mostly positive memories but there are a few that aren ’ t so pleasant.  For the most part I have succeeded at blocking out the bad memories. I thought I had been pretty good about keeping the pleasant ones but am learning it is only for up until a certain age – or so it seems.  I attended Ricks College from September 1981 to the end of April 1982. (Keep in mind that this is back in the day before personal computers, emails and social media.   Our communication was written correspondence and telephone calls – NOT cell phones, but phones that used dials and curly cords)       It appears I had written to my family at least three times a week.   I have few memories of my college days.   The le...

Drunk With Power

               On Monday night Roland and I watched 911.   One of the stories focused on a mother who’d been drinking while driving.   Due to her poor decision to find the bottle (or flask) more of a priority than any other human beings -  including her own child. Because he is a scared-out-of-his-mind passenger not able to communicate with his mom, he calls 911.   By the time the emergency crews arrive on the scene there is a horrific accident involving 10 – 20 cars – all because she had been disoriented behind the wheel.              Toward the end of the show, Bobby, who is a main character in the show, goes to an AA support group and talks about how so many people think they can handle the situation of drinking and staying sober – not at all rational about what their decisions may cost others.   While he was giving his speech I thought about the mandating on mask wearing and the decis...

Pandemic Continues Alongside Global Warming

              Randy really wants us to come to St. George – like now – which would be fine but the pandemic is far from over.   Almost half of all adults have received a vaccination shot – but there are still a high percentage that refuse.   They are too macho.   They are too proud.   They are determined NOT to let the government control them.   The same people who refuse to get flu shots or wear seat belts or have convinced themselves they are immune to any other law. So I read this article from Yahoo.   I hope that Oregon continues with its restrictions and those that think we ought to reopen can go spend their summer in Florida and see how well that works out for them.   International Travel is still a rare occurrence.   Other countries don’t wish to let Americans in.   I don’t blame them.   Americans are spoiled and have attitude.   The entire world belongs to them a...

In the News

                When the schools initially closed, the staff had given the students the impression that they would be back in two weeks.   Our governor then sent out the word that schools would not reopen until April 28.   I would hope not.   I would not be willing to return as an aide.   But just a few hours ago it was announced that the governor stated that all schools will be closed for the remaining of the academic year.   Now there’s a shocker.                        Governor Brown did make the statement to have all beaches and national parks and playgrounds closed.   Anyone caught at said beaches, parks or playgrounds (thus far walking path is still available in city parks – but I expect that will change too) before the nation took a stand on closing the parks – probably a week before.    ...

I Wish I had been a Better Example

            When I married Roland, I not only gained a new husband but three sons as well.   At the time they were 11, 14, and the 12-year-old had just turned 13.   They are now 29, 31 and 32.   My eldest two have no concept of money.   My youngest consider money a huge priority.   My eldest and youngest boys have had a number of jobs for different reasons.   Biff either can’t hang on to a job or gets bored with it and finds something else never allowing for the opportunity of benefits – like dental insurance.             The youngest one came home from his mission and decided he was going to go to BYU and major in business.   He decided to take a job at a local credit union.   He was there for six weeks and decided to find a job that would pay more.   He decided he would be a doctor, a podiatrist, a surgeon, a heart doctor . . ...

What price do we pay for the choices we make?

           Each of us has the opportunity to make choices.   We choose to leave the house, transportation, destination, what we eat and so forth.   Often we are presented with obstacles as a result of our choices.   For example, we may have a variety of ways to get from point A to point B - do we want to take the scenic route or something faster.   If we had stayed in one lane could we have avoided the car crash that happens in the next?   What about those that we encounter.   How do our choices effect them?   And what about those things we can't control like the weather or health?  Often the result of our choices makes no difference.  Other times even the smallest decision may change our entire lives.           I think "The Mountain Between Us" gives us some great illustrations of what our choices may cost.   By Source (WP:NFCC#4), Fair use, https:...

Role-playing Helps Prepare

            As I was growing up, I can remember doing a lot of role playing with my family members.   What would you do if you were in this situation?   How do you think you would react?   What would you do differently? . . . I can't speak for my sibs, but I believe they felt prepared as I when we were approached with a given situation.   We didn't have to analyze because we already had the answers.           For example, when we had been approached by the doctors in the final stages of mom's life (before we knew they were the final stages)we were faced with a decision.   We could have put mom on dialyses and had her leg amputated.   Long before she got dementia, mom had been quite vocal about not ever wanting to be on dialyses.   With her state of mind, she really wouldn't have known whether we honored that wish or having even requested it.  S...

The Choices We Make

     You ever notice that the choices we make not only affect you but those around you as well?   Take my decisions to leave the majority of my family to move to another state for the sake of my health.   And yet I personally have known others who have said, “I’m not going to leave my family.   Even if the doctor says it’s in my best interest, I won’t give up my children, my grand-children . . .” or what have you.   That’s their choice.        Some live long lives and are successful with their health choices.   Others continue to hack out their lungs while babysitting grandchildren while their children are at work and end up dying anyway.        Sometimes it becomes a larger burden for the child (or children) to bury the parent than it would have been if the parent had just moved out of state.   Sometimes it’s easier, realizing the sacrifices that were made by sa...

We Really Need to Update Our Will

            When Jenna was a baby, Roland and I had our wills done with an attorney named Kevin Jackson.   We each received copies   -   but I have no clue as to where they might be right now.               I do remember taking my copy to my mom’s house so that each will was kept at a different location.   I may have put it in the crawl space off to the back of the house.   It could still be there, but may be discarded if the current owners come across it.   I don’t remember seeing it when we were cleaning out mom’s house.             Regardless, it needs to be updated.   We certainly didn’t have much in the way of possessions at the time.   My main concern (still is) is that in the event Roland and I should go before Jenna is 18, I would want her to stay ...

Say “Hi” to Mom and Dad for me

Shilo is a sweet dog I refer to him as “Highness” In my posts He was old when we got him Loved to dig in the back yard And escape. I thought it odd that The animal shelter had not Collected him Favorite activities: Go for walks And sleep Picky Eater.   He’s always been a picky eater Since we’ve had him As I mentioned in my blog before I think his owner before us Tied a bib around his neck And let him sit at the dinner table        With her Jenna and I would take him on long walks Or else I would put him in the car And walk him around After I dropped off Jenna He could jump onto the couch And into the car – but age has slowed him down He stopped digging At least two summers ago He needs assistance climbing on anything                          ...