Drunk With Power

             On Monday night Roland and I watched 911.  One of the stories focused on a mother who’d been drinking while driving.  Due to her poor decision to find the bottle (or flask) more of a priority than any other human beings -  including her own child. Because he is a scared-out-of-his-mind passenger not able to communicate with his mom, he calls 911.  By the time the emergency crews arrive on the scene there is a horrific accident involving 10 – 20 cars – all because she had been disoriented behind the wheel.

            Toward the end of the show, Bobby, who is a main character in the show, goes to an AA support group and talks about how so many people think they can handle the situation of drinking and staying sober – not at all rational about what their decisions may cost others.  While he was giving his speech I thought about the mandating on mask wearing and the decision of those who are able to “remain sober” by not wearing it or ever thinking of others. 

The mask wasn’t designed to protect ourselves so much as it was designed to respect others that we may come in contact.  Even now that many have received their shots, there is a new attitude that “I have now received my shots – I no longer need to wear a mask”

WE STILL NEED TO WEAR MASKS!  The pandemic is NOT over!  There I go being a rational buzzkill.  But am I really?  Biff thinks I’m a weenie who is afraid of getting COVID.  I am NOT afraid of getting COVID.  I am appalled how torn up this nation has become. I also think Biff is too focused on having the approval and living the ways of the world than of God.  

 There were other stories that overlapped.  One was about caring for a child in child care and having that child taken away because the biological mother supposedly turned her life around – and perhaps the parent should have rights but at the same time at how many expenses of the child or others who are involved in the child’s life.  Reminded me of when I had worked for the Department of Child and Family Services and the heartbreak of it all.

I like that the show focuses on what is happening in our nation right now and keep the mandated mask as part of the storyline. Like it or not – it is a part of history.


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