Pandemic Continues Alongside Global Warming


            Randy really wants us to come to St. George – like now – which would be fine but the pandemic is far from over.  Almost half of all adults have received a vaccination shot – but there are still a high percentage that refuse.  They are too macho.  They are too proud.  They are determined NOT to let the government control them.  The same people who refuse to get flu shots or wear seat belts or have convinced themselves they are immune to any other law.

So I read this article from Yahoo.  I hope that Oregon continues with its restrictions and those that think we ought to reopen can go spend their summer in Florida and see how well that works out for them.  International Travel is still a rare occurrence.  Other countries don’t wish to let Americans in.  I don’t blame them.  Americans are spoiled and have attitude.  The entire world belongs to them and therefore we should do whatever the heck we want. No restrictions.  No consequences.  Some American attitudes make me ashamed to say that I am American.  Get over yourselves!  Think of others.

Even my oldest who lost his first wife, whose daughter was initially admitted to the hospital with COVID – who continues to visit the hospital as often as her mom – refuses to get his shot.  Great example for your daughter, Biff.  Nice to know where your priorities are.

We’re told that airfares have gone up to outrageous prices and I think are at full capacity now.  Fires have started already and it’s only April.  We use the heater and A/C in the same day.  What’s up with that.  If COVID doesn’t kill us, global warming will.

 Oh, and now they are now mentioning an increase in allergies and a new plus to the mask.  Roland had pointed out what we're breathing in as our cars continue to lose their shine. Pleasant thoughts. 


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