Jenna's Birthday and Easter

           Jenna likes surprises and says she would like to be surprised for her birthday.  But things started showing up in the mail that she herself had picked out.  She knew the packaged CD was Panic at the Disco.  She recognized the stickers that Roland had asked her about.  I didnt even bother telling her that her stylist had arrived and enclosed it in a CD case with a note about surprises.  I also opened her sticker package and did the same.  Then I hid her Panic at the Disco CD and wrapped the two CD cases along with a chocolate orange and a Tee Shirt that Roland had purchased.

          Im sure I could have wrapped the Hamm piggy bank that he purchased at a later time, but chose not to as she was in the house ever since we brought it home except for going to seminary (I am pressed for time as it is wrapping the bank would have lessened whatever time I gave myself to get ready) so I hid it with a note indicating where she could find her Panic at the Disco CD.

          We started yesterday morning off with Roland fixing French Toast (Jennas absolute favorite breakfast) and I asked if he remembered the vacuum cleaner bags that we once had to deal with.  Jenna thought it was weird that I would bring that up  and it was, but I needed it as a clue.  After breakfast she opened the four gifts in her bag  each a surprise.  I then told her to consider our morning conversation which she had to think about but suddenly realized and checked the closet to find a bag hanging around the vacuum.

          Is this Hamm? she cried excitedly before she had it fully out of the bag. 

          I had some money sticking out in the event that she would need it for yesterdays excursion.  It contained the final clue.

          We had tried watching conference on the big TV but YouTube wasnt working for us and we dont get the BYU channel.  We moved into the bedroom and I turned on the computer to watch from the church website.  Roland was able to pull up YouTube from the bedroom TV just before the Internet was interrupted the TV and computer played the live recording just seconds apart.

          Roland and I were on the bed and Jenna had positioned herself on the floor.  Both Jenna and I took notes.  When it ended, all three of us piled into the car (leaving poor Bonnie by her lonesome) and took Jenna to the park where she had planned to meet her friend.  Roland wanted to get her an Easter basket as we have not done much with her on Easter before (she has spent many Easters in the company of others) and also a cake for her birthday.

          While we out getting the cake, Jenna called to see if she could miss the second live session of conference and watch it later.  Her friend was late and she wanted to have more time.  I told her that was fine.  Gremlins from yesterday morning could very well have interfered with the afternoon session as well (though we could have gone to the Church to watch but were not dressed for it)  Roland returned for Jenna a half hour before Conference ended.

          Another friend came over to hang out.  Jenna felt a bit discouraged when her friend didnt seem to be in the mood for anything but give her attention to her electronic device.  Jenna and I conversed for a bit about the events of her day.  Finally she asked if I would drive her and her friend to Dollar Tree so that they could create gift bags for one another or a game of if you catch this, Ill buy it for you.  I chose to stay in the car.

          Roland made dinner and the four of us ate (five if you count Bonnie) and I wished Jenna would have eaten as well as her friend.  We sang happy birthday and allowed Jenna to blow out her candles and then Roland took the girls to yet another friends so that they could join in a flashlight Easter egg hunt a tradition that didnt take place at all last year.

          This morning Jenna saw her basket and was surprised.  Before I allowed her to explore the contents I told her that I had a fun activity for us to do which would incorporate the true meaning of Easter.  I rolled to flatten out ten biscuits and melted butter into a bowl and filled another with cinnamon and sugar.  I placed ten marshmallows on the table and told her and Roland that each marshmallow would symbolically represent Jesus Christ and that it was our job to dress him and add oil and spices to his body and wrap him in linen with more oils and spices.  We put each in a tomb (cupcake tin) and baked it and the empty rolls became the Empty Tombs because they were hallow (see here) 

          I continued with my He Lives notes creating so many that I had to turn the paper over to squeeze in the last three speakers.  Jenna had a wonderful birthday (more memorable than last year) and we are all enjoying Easter.  Even Bonnie who finally got a walk after feeling neglected yesterday.



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