Bouncing Bonnie

                 When we had initially brought Bonnie home back in September, she spent her first morning running from room to room – anxious to greet all of us.  Man, that dog was hyper!  She still gets excited like that whenever we’re about to go for a walk.  Other than that, she seems to have adjusted to less bounce until last night.

            I allowed myself to accompany Roland and Jenna to Roseburg as he was insistent on buying some new clothes for her and she is never all that thrilled when the very word “clothes” is mentioned.  Not your average teenager by any means.  I knew she didn’t want to shop for clothes.  I don’t like to shop for clothes.  We made a few moments of our night being miserable together.

            Poor Bonnie.  Left alone for over three hours.  And once we had pulled into the driveway, she was going nuts.  Jenna opened the door so that she could run out on the deck.  She ran to my room, Roland’s office, back outside.  Always a fun challenge putting groceries away while trying to dodge an overly sensitive animal. 

            We have an assembly line method for bringing in the groceries.  Roland always unloads the car – bringing items from the trunk to the deck.  Jenna takes said items from the deck and brings them into the house.  I put the groceries away – or at least a large majority.  Jenna will take care of the items that go into the back and Roland will put away whatever gets piled into his office (which has been doubling as a pantry since we moved here; cool, huh?  Most people just dream about having their office in a pantry but don’t get to experience the luxury first hand).

            Bonnie was so focused on the joys of having humans in her life again that she neglected to see what food had fallen to the floor.  I count that as a blessing that I was able to save the food than watch it disappear as she inhaled the products which overall would not have been good for her.  I mean it’s not like Bonnie is withering away.  Bonnie could really stand to lose weight.  She is like a three year old child.  Her vocabulary is quite limited (unlike Jenna who was using four syllable words and really did have understanding) and I am always reminded of that Gary Larsen’s Far Side cartoon in which the master is reprimanding the dog  in the first frame and seeing what the dog is hearing in the second:  “Blah, Blah, Blah Ginger” only in our case it’s:  “Blah, Blah, Blah Bonnie”.

            Such a sweet dog.  Loves human affection.  She does NOT like the vacuum cleaner.  Runs away from it before it is even plugged in or turned on.  But she doesn’t seem to have a problem with the lawn mower or grass trimmer – which produce a more powerful noise – but they are both outdoors and perhaps she doesn’t even notice.  She just notices the person who is outdoors more in hopes of getting to pet Bonnie than maintain the lawn.  Or so that is what Bonnie seems to believe.


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