
Showing posts with the label summer reading

Social Media

            I am the administrator of two groups in facebook.   The first is a Relief Society page that I had started for the ward that I'm in as it has been the only not to have a ward or RS page, and I missed it.   The second group Jenna and I had volunteered to get started in April (I believe) after Myrtle Creek Library closed its doors and several library users wanted to form a group in hopes to reopen the library.   The group page has existed for less than three months, but twice as many members and A LOT of contributors.   Though each says she really appreciates the group page, getting other sisters to post their thoughts on the RS page is like pulling teeth.   We have twice as many members in our "Friends" group and thankfully I'm not the only one who has been posting everything.             We had a meeting last night for the "Friends" gr...