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           A couple of months ago the light between the closets had gone out.   Richard changed the bulb to a brand new bulb that would blink on occasion until finally it went out leaving us to believe that it had something to do with the wiring.   Finding those that repair (such as electricians, plumbers, etc) is like pulling teeth.   Even before the gas price increase, it seemed a difficult task to find someone committed enough to come.             After two months Richard climbed up the latter to check what might be the source of the problem.   He had me turn off all the electricity.   Apparently it was the bulb.   How blessed were are that it was something simple.           Next problem.   We were no longer receiving hot water through our taps.   How can that be?   Well the house is over 20 years old and the hot...


We had a leak in our pipes right underneath the sink. In order to fix it, Roland had   to turn off the water to the house. The water meter to our house is not only in our neighbor’s yard, it is in their driveway. What’s up with that?

When it Rains, it Pours

             It’s been just over three and a half years since we had made the purchase of our reclining couch and chair – something that had invited comfort in the showroom.   We didn’t realize the furniture had been created over extremely heavy frame that would misshape each time it was moved.   Thus, coming out to Oregon really took a toll on our misshapen couch each time it was moved.   It’s sad that it’s value had depreciated so quickly.   We feel so gipped.   But what can we do?   We have looked to replace our pathetic couch, but it’s not a priority.   There are two other issues at hand.             First there is the matter of the car that my mom had purchased brand new, however Roland and I put more miles on the car than she ever did.  We had borrowed it to go on long trips thus it had quite a bit of mileage on it before we had purchased it....

Abnormal Weather and Our Wonderful Neighbors

          Yesterday I received a phone recording to inform me that school had been canceled.   Outside there was more snow than we had seen since arriving in Douglas County - not enough to close schools in Utah.   I remember taking Jenna to school when the snow was higher than she was - though I'm sure even Salt Lake would consider closing if the snow were actually as tall as she is now.           Northern Utah is equipped with salt and bulldozers and snowplows, etc.   It's actually routine.   And the schools calendars account for snow days.   The citizens don't encounter the harsh weather in this part of Oregon - or so we've been told.   Bus drivers already have the challenge of a narrow and windy road with drops on either side.   They haven't been trained to deal with the elements of slick roads due to snow and ice.      ...