
Showing posts with the label resolutions

And the Downward Spiral Begins . . .

             When it was announced that church meetings would be cut back to only two hours on Sunday so that the third hour could be spend with families, neither Jenna nor I believed it would last.   It has been left up to each family or individual to study the "Come Follow Me" program to prepare for the following Sunday.   I could hear Jenna's moans - wishing that would happen but predicting that it would not.                 Like many New Year's Resolutions, there is diligence within the first month, perhaps a couple, but then we start to taper off from what we started and had every intention of keeping.   Jenna and I have been pretty good about going over the manual first thing when we get home.   She stops me and asks lots of questions or rewords the message (or scripture) according to her own understanding.   During the ...