When the day presents a 30 or 40 degree jump
I did not sleep well Tuesday Night/Wednesday morning Amazingly I got cold and Roland woke up hot Yesterday I woke up with a dry cough Gradually it turned into a sore throat. I have been sleeping with the windows open even just a crack except for the last two nights. Yesterday after school I loaded myself with Musinex, Flonaze, Vitamin D3 and Chamomile Tea. I also broke out the humidifier. I slept great Up until 4:00 in the morning. I took more Musinex I tried closing my eyes but wasn’t sleeping. Now I’m writing this post. I hope I can stay awake for the next eight hours. I have to leave for work just under three. This week I’ve been working with the middle schoolers. Both schools. Yesterday I was sore. So sore. My soreness grew throughout the day. I don’t want to be sick!!!! If I don't post for the next three days I'll be in bed trying to fight this.