
Showing posts with the label farming

Life Changes . . . and Connections

        Before we moved to Tri City, I had a premonition that one day Roland and I would be involved in helping to raise Ally.   It's not that I was trying to write Jeanie off into the next life - although it wasn't unexpected.   There was concern that she would die before Ally had finished school.   Ally will be two in August and therefore has not even started school.   And just because I had that premonition doesn't mean Biff will be packing up and moving to Oregon any time soon.   It may not be in his plans to come to Oregon at all - unless Roland talks him into it.   Biff does have other options - or will have.           His mother comes from a rather large family, and although half have now moved on to the other side, he does have family in Wyoming.   One aunt wrote me to say that Biff is welcome to stay with them.   At first it puzzled me.   Why would she ...