
Showing posts with the label yards

I Like My Clothes Baked, Not Tossed or Smoked

                When we first moved to our house in Tri City, Roland set up a clothesline between two trees.   Initially, he tried the pulley thing so that I could hang the clothes from one position.   It didn't work to our expectations and I spent that first summer walking up and down the line hanging and removing laundry.           I like having the sun dry the clothes and I especially like how it can brighten the whites.   A light breeze will make it dry faster, but a strong wind will make the fabric stiff.   The towels feel like sandpaper either way, so generally, I just toss those in the dryer and add will add clothes that have been on the line but don't seem wearable.   Also, I don't enjoy ironing and would rather have the dryer remove the wrinkles for me.           Roland did put i...