
Showing posts with the label accounting


          I remember when I was on my mission, and even now, we were (or are) told to stay clear of using abbreviations  or initials to describe something that unless you are a member of the Church and are already familiar with the lingo, most non-members are not going to get that RS stands for Relief Society, YW stands for young women, etc.                      I know I have been guilty of this in my blog - abbreviating.  Occasionally I do try to explain myself or refer to sites that will.  Back then (on my mission) the top initials used were D&C meaning Doctrine and Covenants (which is not what the majority of the population will think D&C means;  even many active church members I had met would first think of Dilation and curettage ) and GA for General Authority.        ...

Routine in Education

                It is so hard trying to get back into the swing of school assignments etc. after a holiday weekend or vacation.   For the last three years I have had classes at the end of the year for two weeks before the winter vacation (or Christmas) and am expected to finish the next two week after the New Year.   I'm certain it's equally hard on the instructors.   Perhaps even more so.                 So on MLK day, I was to start a new class (my last accounting class folks.   I had miscalculated before and thought this would be two more.   But I was wrong.   Hallelujah!).   Didn't do much for it on Monday as we had invited a few friends over to eat pizza and play games. The lectures don't happen until Tuesday at 6:00 MST and so I decided I would just wait before posting to my discussion. ...


Image           A 1,250-word report?             Are you kidding me? Accounting final.             Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah . . . . give me a topic I'm           at least interested in.                       Thus far I have been in high demand for substituting           at three schools all at the same time, and           there's only one of me.           I have to take some time off for           this stupid ...

Teach, Not Read - Especially NOT in Monotone!

                As an accountant major, I am required to take 25 accounting classes                 Thus far I have had 22 classes, 11 instructors -                                 one of them four times.   Two of them three times.                                          Three of them two times and six of them only once.   There are three who have had flair for making accounting better than completely boring.            ...

What Am I Supposed To Do Now?

                Wednesday is generally my busiest day with school.   Generally.   When the libraries reopened and had asked for volunteers, I said I could - however I couldn't be scheduled.   Sometimes Mondays will work for me, but not always.   I could volunteer on Fridays regardless of my scheduling - however, no one else can work that day; therefore, the library is closed.             I said I could substitute, which I have done before, but not for a long time.   I told them when I might be available and when I would not.   Wednesdays and Saturdays are definite NOs as I am trying to finish my schooling by Wednesday or Thursday and Saturdays are for family.             Wednesday is also the designated day for potluck luncheons on 2nd Wednesdays every month and...

I'm Done For the Week (except for Daily Checkpoints)

My classes are database - learning the Microsoft program Access and accounting management systems.   The lecture for the database is for Monday morning and the accounting lecture is 25 hours later on Tuesday - except this week.   Our instructor was out of town and in the path of the hurricane and had come home, but was driving all day Tuesday and couldn't present the lecture until Thursday.   Our initial post for discussion is due on Wednesday.                 I am so excited about the database class and had completed the discussion, assignment, and assessment shortly after the lecture.   On Tuesday I responded to two other discussion posts and posted my discussion for the other class.   The instructor had already posted my grades before I opened zoom chat for her question and answer on Wednesday.             On Monday, I had tried...

Two Classes and the Writing Center

       Currently, I am taking two classes.   Neither is difficult, but both (especially accounting) are very time-consuming.   So time-consuming that I have been working on assignments or other class projects on Friday.   In the past, I have always had each of my projects completed before Friday, though sometimes I have taken time to review before sending on Friday morning.   This month I have not.        The University offers an online writing center where students can submit their papers or make appointments to get feedback.   Thus far it's been a very devastating experience for me.   But then again, I haven't used for almost two years. It appears I had only used it three times the very year I started, and may not have used it at all, but it was required in one of the classes that I took.        The idea is to get feedback on grammar, sentence structur...

Surely We Can Simplify

          Why is it that the accounting language is so wordy?   Don't use two paragraphs to tell me what can be said in only four words.   Do they make an accounting book that reads like "Dick and Jane" - not that "Dick and Jane" was much fun to read, but at least it was simple.                    One of the objectives of this project is to create a single set of accounting                   standards to stand at the base of the "production" and at the constant flow                  of high-quality information, clear and compatible in financial situations and                  in other financial rep...

What Happened To This Month?

          I had been asked to mark attendance for choir - only I have not marked anything for four weeks now - either choir was canceled, the doors were locked, or I wasn't there.   For an entire month?           Every fourth Sunday a class is offered to the instructors. A primary counselor reminded me of that.   It's hard to believe that four weeks have gone by.   Where am I?             I had just finished another accounting class - suspecting that my instructor is even more bored with the class than I am.           The one I compared to Walter and Sheldon here, has been copying and pasting her findings word for word.   I called her on it.   I don't know if anybody caught that.             So bored with the dis...

Three Mods in a Row - Are You Kidding Me?

          I don't know how many courses my current instructor is teaching, but this is the third mod that I've had her.   At least the lecture is on Tuesday now instead of Wednesday, so that will be better.   But the subject is still accounting.   I actually slept through today's lecture.   She was late getting started and didn't sound almost done when I finally turned her off.   I still have to create my discussion post - but then again, so does the rest of the class.           Today starts a new mod.   My instructor kept referring to the things that had been discussed in the class last week - which I suppose is fine and good for those who actually took ACC322 last mod, but what about the members of the class who may have not even had an accounting class last mod?   She did say there were several names of students that she has been assigned to previousl...

A Week Without Posts

          I think I have mentioned both Roland and Jenna have had some nasty colds, but I seemed fine until Saturday - the 10th.   I had gone to the church as the presidency were holding interviews for those who are visiting teachers.   I could feel a sore throat coming on.   Even when I agreed to teach Relief Society only eight days later.           I went to church on Sunday, the 11th.   I did not stay for choir because I didn't want to strain my throat.   Last week I did a lot of napping (cough medicine knocks me out) and preparing for both primary and RS lessons.   I also participated in a class discussion on a topic that I didn't fully understand.   I took the assessment (midterm) and apparently turned in my discussion notes instead of the assignment.   Brilliant.           My lesson for the Reli...