Surely We Can Simplify

          Why is it that the accounting language is so wordy?  Don't use two paragraphs to tell me what can be said in only four words.  Do they make an accounting book that reads like "Dick and Jane" - not that "Dick and Jane" was much fun to read, but at least it was simple.  

                One of the objectives of this project is to create a single set of accounting 
                standards to stand at the base of the "production" and at the constant flow 
                of high-quality information, clear and compatible in financial situations and 
                in other financial reports created for SMEs. (Ristea, 2010)

          47 words creating confusion.  Why?  Surely there is a simpler way to say whatever it is that needs to be conveyed.  I think that must be how I'm supposed to write.  Now, I haven't had the privilege of writing essays in any accounting class until this course.  They want 750 words.  I suppose if I were to write 12 run-on sentences like that above (which by the way is NOT an original thought from my head) I suppose I'd be half-way there.  

          I had worked on my assessment today (figuring that all school work is at a stand-still for tomorrow - being Independence Day and all) and had less than 300 words.  What the heck?  More research.  More zzzzzzzzzz's.  I'm sorry this post is so boring.  You didn't have to read it.  But thank you for your interest.

 Ristea, M., Doros, A., Ioanas, C., & Morega, D. D. (2010). SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTITIES BETWEEN THE ACCRUAL BASIS OF ACCOUNTING AND CASH ACCOUNTING. Romanian Economic and Business Review, 5(4), 208-220. Retrieved from

Did this post make you puzzled?  Do you not get the gist of it?  That's how I feel about accounting as a whole.  It's kind of sad to feel the need to nap before the assignment is even halfway finished.  Accounting puts me in a coma - seriously.


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