Cruise to Alaska May 18, 1996

          I grabbed a notebook before we drove the girls to Coos Bay on Independence Day.  I figured I'd have thoughts which I would wish to write as they happened since my mind is not reliable at remembering anything less than a minute into the future.  I haven't quite slipped into being Dory as I am aware of what I've forgotten, but I seem to be getting close.
          After I had completed my thoughts, I turned the notebook to the front and found an entry I had created on May 27, 1996.  I was amused by much of what I had written and so thought I would share.

This font refers to what was written in 1996        and this font is my own commentary in the present.

  Originally, I thought I would start at the end of my trip and work my way back to the beginning – since the end was what happened most recently and I should remember it best.  But there’s still a lot that may never fall in order anyway.

 May 18 – Patrick drove mom and me to the airport.  He just dropped us off at the terminal and we walked in, checked in our baggage, and waited to board.      
We had a connecting flight in Seattle.  Grandma got off the plane to find us but got back on before we were called to start boarding. 

There are so Many people.  And everybody starts to cram in line.  And I’m thinking what’s the point?  I’m on vacation.  Relax.  We’ll get there eventually.  Let’s wait for the line to die. But then mom starts in with her paranoia because she knows grandma is going to worry. 

 So, let her worry.  That’s her problem.  We weren’t the first ones in line.  And there’s nothing we can do about that. 
I don’t know what grandma’s hurry was.  Old people are always in a hurry.  I am never going to get old.

[Though my body and mind seem to be aging in ways I seem unable to control, I am proud to say that I can still take my time; I believe in enjoying the journey and not focusing solely upon the destination.  I am in NO Hurray!]

After we arrived in Anchorage we were shuttled to a waiting area and spent a few minutes before being shuttled again – this time to a line – where we found our luggage and waited for our shuttles.

The driver of our bus had been in Anchorage only two days longer than we had – or was it one day.  I can’t remember.  I personally would never have admitted to that – it certainly didn’t seem to go over very well with many of the passengers.  They were so uptight anyway and her being “new” to the area didn’t ease their minds at all.

 Old bitty in the back of us talked loudly to her companion – perhaps subconsciously, or maybe it was for the driver’s benefit.  I wanted to turn around and smack her – of course, I never would.  But her negativity was rubbing off I guess you could say. 
 So, we’re on the highway going to Seward I took some pictures – not a log.  But a few.  I didn’t know we were going to stop – that ought to account for better pictures. 

[keep in mind that this was in a day before I had any kind of access to a digital camera.  I was using film and would not know the results of each picture that I took until the film was developed]

The broad [which I had spelled "braud"]behind us had seen it all – knew it like the back of her hand.  She couldn’t understand why we were stopping.  I wanted to tell her to shut up.  Of course, I didn’t.

We drove passed Turnagain Arm.  Our driver gave us a little history and told some bad jokes.  Several of the passengers were not amused.  A bunch of sour people in my opinion.  Even grandma was getting antsy and so of course mom was also. (Train pic)
“Is this what the entire trip is going to be like?” I wondered.Once we arrived and got out with our luggage and worked our way up to the boat, we had to stand in yet another line while each group of people had their pictures taken for the embarkment. 
We were in B124 – perhaps we knew it was the Baja deck.  But I don’t think so.  I don’t remember anybody showing us how to get there.  I know we asked someone.  It was an awkward arrival.


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