
Showing posts with the label heat

Health and Temperature

                I don’t know how often I had to go to the orthodontist during the (almost) three years that I wore braces.  I was just recently reminded about how painful it felt having my braces tightened. My teeth have been bothering me since Sunday – maybe before. At first I thought it was dental related but have come to realize that it is part of my newest sinus infection.  Bah, humbug!           It seems to be the most painful once the sun goes down.   I looked up what I might do to ease the pain.   Steam was a suggestion.   I thought it would make the room more hot but knew that it would work as I have felt better during a shower.   Many of my body parts have bad reactions to the cold lately.   NOOOOO!!!!   I think about friends I’ve made here in Oregon that have moved to warmer climate (I think all of them ended up in Arizona) as the cold had bothered t...

Lost in the Sauce

  When we lived in West Valley I rarely used covers at night Maybe 10 times a year Maybe Even after we moved here And I would fall asleep on The recliner, Richard would cover me But the covers would come off Long before morning And then we moved into a Different house And suddenly my toes were always Cold And so I would keep them Covered But lately it seems like I Am covering all of me. I think the earth is spinning Nearer to the sun and then To the other extreme So far away from the sun that Its always cold Hard to imagine that just over six weeks ago I was complaining about the heat. Ten weeks ago it was in the Three digits in California We had moved to Oregon for The constancy – which We have never had. I don ’ t want three digits and Then near freezing (or Below freezing)   At this point I don ’ t Think it even matters In what state or nation Autumn is still producing Gorgeous colors That ’ s ni...

That Was an Incredible Surprise

 Each of us in the household have been sick - though Biff hasn't experienced what the rest of us have - and hopefully it may pass him completely.  Claire looks awful - which is how I imagined I must have looked.  I never felt as horrible as Richard sounds.  He did sound better last night than the night before.  Still not sleeping great - but at least it was not his cough that was keeping him up. I always open the windows to let in the fresh air - also because I'm always hot.  When Richard comes to bed he always complains that it is cold.  Thus yesterday I made certain that the windows were shut, the fan was off and the vent wasn't covered.  I was still awake when he came to in the room.  We watched TV and I fell asleep.            It wasn't overly hot in our room this last night but I had tossed and turned for much of the night trying to adjust to the temperature as I could not decide weather I was hot or co...


            Disneyland did not offer the cooling stations that Universal had.   But I think Disneyland park was less crowded than Universal had been. We took the tram from downtown Disneyland to the park.            It seems like the very first ride we went on was Jungle Cruise.   Jai had pulled up phrazel so that we could play while we were in line.   There was no line.   Jaime and Sam rode ten rides in less than two hours.   How awesome is that?           Richard and I took it easy and rode tame rides such as the Mark Twain and the train.   I didn ’ t want to be in Fantasy Land or Tomorrow Land.   I think Toon Town was closed as it wasn ’ t highlighted on the map.   Toon Town is cute, but I have already seen it.   Thankfully it wasn ’ t a destination.          I hadn ’ t cared about New Orleans either.   I can ...

Coming to an End

 What Myrtle Creek summer fest would be complete without the blazing heat?

If Corona Didn’t Kill You Perhaps the Elements Will

                 Our nation has issued a warning for extreme heat in the western states.   The sun had not fully risen this morning when I took Bonnie out for the shortest walk ever.   Alexa informed me that the temperature was 75 degrees fahrenheit – Google said 73.   It felt lke 80 – at least.     I wonder if those people who were so skeptical to believe the seriousness of the cornonavirus believe that the weather is a hoax.   I wonder if they will allow themselves to dehydrate because “nobody can tell me to drink water.   I should be able to choose”   I wonder if they think the elements are a conspiracy started by another country.   I wonder if they believe how much nicer the weather would be if Trump was still in office.   75 degrees and climbing!   It’s not even 7:00 a.m. yet!


  I had resided in three different houses when I lived in Utah. Each of them provided gas furnaces as a source of heat.   The heat source in Oregon has been electric – which tends to dry me out more than the gas ever did.   I don’t particularly care for electric heat and have felt overly hot each year except for this one.   But it is 2020 – why should anything about this year decade feel normal?   I have worn my long sleeve pajama tops and used the covers for the last two weeks.   Highly unusual – for me.

That is SO WRONG

            This last Saturday was the hottest yet since our move to Oregon.  Hotter than the last week in July has always been even thought Summer Fest was not held this year. Apparently it had bee 104 on August 28 last year.  I had forgotten. We had moved to Oregon for the moisture and weather consistency.  We have seen one of the two since our move here  – but neither all year round.  Three digit temperature – part of 2020 ’ s taunting.       106 Saturday and was suppose to be over 100 yesterday but only got to 90.  It was overcast most of the day.  We even felt a few drops in the morning.  Roland doesn't like to work outdoors when it's raining.  Jenna and I prefer  it.  If we're going to get wet anyway, why not with moisture from the sky than sweat through our bodies?       I had taken an allergy pill that knocks me into a coma – not that I wanted to be i...

It's Almost October . . . What is Up With the Haze?

                The air quality has gone down again.                    You would think I would have figured .that out on Tuesday when I couldn't stop sneezing.                      Yesterday morning I'd gotten behind                 some school buses and watched their red tail lights flicker off and on.   When I neared the school, I looked over the hill and appeared puzzle at the sight of                 what looked like the tail lights - but way too high in the sky.                ...

I Love Our Communities

from last year               Friends of Myrtle Creek Library did not have a booth this year.   Jenna was bummed as she desired to lure others to the booth as she had last year.             While at my swim class, one of the women stated that she would be manning the booth for the Riddle Library.   How awesome.   When I returned home, I let Jenna know about it.             Turns out that it wasn't a booth for the library after all, but rather the sawdust jubilee which is held the Saturday before July 4.   They had actually held it on the 4th every year until this year. It just wasn't conducive for many volunteers to put in the hours and try to work the next day.   There is a disappointment among many, but I for one understand the dilemma.       ...

It's Going To Be A Scorcher Today

            I noticed when Jenna left for school on overly foggy mornings, she would return with the sun blazing in the sky.   The foggier it is in the morning, the hotter it seems to be with the afternoon sun.         The above picture was taken last year - I can't even see the mountains or trees right now.                        I think the sun will be blazing down by 2:00 this afternoon and may not cool off until after 10:00.   But you never know.             We had wind, rain, sunshine, A/C, open doors, blankets, and shivers alternating all within the same hour.   Jenna took these amazing pictures with her tablet