
Showing posts with the label differences

Feb 20 Diversity Talk part 1

  The two conference talks I finally settled on were “ Hearts Knit in Righteousness and Unity ” by Elder Quentin L Cook ( here ) given in October 2020 and “ Room in the Inn ” by Elder Gerrit W. Gong ( here ) given in April 2021. Elder Cook started off his talk by relating a story about the Kane family who had traveled from Pennsylvania with Brigham Young and company. One day the Kanes were visiting with Thomas and Matilda King and their family in the King home in Fillmore, Utah. As the Kings and Kanes were sitting down to their dinner, there were five Native Americans who came into the room.   Matilda King spoke to them in their dialect and one of their guests, Elizabeth Wood Kane, asked about what had been said.   Elizabeth learned that Matilda had told the group that she had prepared a meal for the Kane family who would be eating their meal first and that the other five would have to wait but assured them that she had another meal for them cooking over the fir...