
Showing posts with the label Scatergories

Ward Pot Luck and Games

            Our ward does a potluck lunch every second Wednesday.   Afterward, there is a group of us who stay to play games.   A counselor in the Relief Society is so good to send out reminders.   We usually have a really good attendance, but not always.             The other day I decided that I wouldn't leave the house until about 12:30 or so which would put me there around clean up and I would get to play games with whoever was staying (as there are probably only 20% will stay for games) but my computer was being temperamental and kept freezing before I could finish my assignment.   And so I decided to turn it off and go to the luncheon.             Wow.   Happy to have made that decision.   There were eight of us.   Holy cow.   I don't remember there ever being that few....