
Showing posts with the label hair style

change in hair and morning sky

         The roots of my hair are white like they were when I was one.   My last dye job was a brown or red.   The white is more noticeable against the dark color.         I am sick of my hair.   Sick of changing the color.   Sick of putting it up.   Sick of the weight of it on my scalp.   I told Roland that I need it cut.   We cannot afford the expense right now.           He tells me to cut my own hair.   What?!?!?   I can't see the back of my head.   How am I supposed to make it even?         I've been cutting his hair for the last six months.   I don't think I've done a good job.   As I look at myself in the mirror, I wonder.   What if I cut my pigtails off?   How would that work?         I take the scissor...