
Showing posts with the label yard sales

I Don’t Think it was Worth 60 Dollars but she does

                 Jai has always wanted to do a yard sale and got her chance today.  She had set it up nice, but the availability seemed quite lame compared to other yard sales I’ve seen.  If the buyer had a heart set on stuffed animals or cos play head gear, our yard sale was exceptional – but for the more mature lookers our yard was a huge disappointment.           Richard told us to label all the items but Jai didn’t wish to do that.   She did wish to haggle – which I personally don’t like to do.   Perhaps she would have made more money if I hadn’t been there to “assist” – I was all for cheap and free but Jaime seemed to overprice things.   But she also had a sign that said “Make Me an Offer”   It wasn’t her fault that the signs continued to blow down.             They had belonged to her and she finally parted wi...

Keeping Things in the Neighborhood

          Shortly after we had moved in, a neighbor from across the street introduced himself to me.   He told me if we ever needed anything we could call him.   I think he was genuine in his heart, but his poor body was not in great shape.   He needed a ramp to get in and out of the house and was in no condition to climb our hill to inspect the house.   He had asked what changes had been done.   Because I had never seen the house before it went on the market, there was really no way to compare it but I don't know that he could visualize what I had tried to explain.          I could see that he was in pain as he hobbled out to the mailbox and back to the house.   I don't remember seeing him after that.   I think his children must have taken turns moving in for a while as I would see others go out to retrieve the mail or be out in the yard or what have you.   They would come and s...

The Unexpected

            Have you ever made plans to do something only to have your plans fall through so whatever you had planned falls into the cracks and ends up not being done at all - but in the long run it turns out to be for the better?   Let me give you an example:   After our backyard neighbor had passed away, his wife has been getting rid of tons of stuff.   I don't know if she's sold anything or if she has just given it away.   In our case it has been given.             Roland and I had built a hot house ( here ) and used concrete bricks to line our beds (both donated by the neighbor) Roland started cantaloupe seeds in the greenhouse before moving them to this bed.   They seem to be doing well.              She'd also given a doll house kit to Jenna.   Now Jenna is not nor ever...

Two Saturdays

       Today was the forth annual Citywide yard sale.  It is my first year having knowledge of it.  There is a map on facebook and a list of locations within Myrtle Creek and Tri City.  I would think it would make for a more meaningful to have all the streets downtown  or all along Old Pacific - not get-in-your-car-and-drive=-from-location-to-location - that can be done on any given day . . . but whatever.  I was/am obviously not in charge.        The Friends of Myrtle Creek Library had access to one of the buildings downtown.  The yard sale (from what I understand) is normally held in August.  I don't know why it got changed to today.  It was rather unproductive, I thought.  I don't guess the woman in charge realized that today would be the hottest day of the year (and hopefully the temperature won't ever rise above what it was today.  Over 100 degrees fahrenheit.  That is SOOOOO wrong. This...

What Happened to Me?

                I don't know what it is that Roland and I may have encountered on Wednesday, but something didn't agree with us.   It took a few days before we managed to get it out of our system.   He continued with some yard labor that he had started while I was bent over in the fetal position not wanting to move, for every time that I did, I'd have to race to the toilet.                 After he had finished up with one project, he decided to move onto another.                 He mentioned a yard sale that he wanted to look at.   I told him to wait until Jenna returned home and he could take her with him.   She loves yard sales.    I can take them or leave them.   When I'm in the fetal position - I just want to stay ...