I Don’t Think it was Worth 60 Dollars but she does
Jai has always wanted to do a yard sale and got her chance today. She had set it up nice, but the availability seemed quite lame compared to other yard sales I’ve seen. If the buyer had a heart set on stuffed animals or cos play head gear, our yard sale was exceptional – but for the more mature lookers our yard was a huge disappointment. Richard told us to label all the items but Jai didn’t wish to do that. She did wish to haggle – which I personally don’t like to do. Perhaps she would have made more money if I hadn’t been there to “assist” – I was all for cheap and free but Jaime seemed to overprice things. But she also had a sign that said “Make Me an Offer” It wasn’t her fault that the signs continued to blow down. They had belonged to her and she finally parted wi...