Spring Break is Near Its End
Spring break is over for Jenna. Her cousins don't need to return to school until Wednesday. I gave Jenna the option of staying home today, but she doesn't wish to ruin her perfect attendance. Plus I think she is wanting a break for the chaotic noise level that has been a part of our house for the last four-going-on-five days. That's right, Bill and Kayla brought their three children for a spring break visit. I didn't even tell Jenna - which I'm glad, as I had my dates wrong and had expected Kayla a lot sooner thinking her children had the same amount of spring break that Jenna did. Funny thing, Jenna had asked if I would take her to the library on Thursday - which actually happened to be a part of my agenda - thinking that her cousins would be here already - but they were actually due to arrive that very day. ...