
Showing posts with the label computer

Typewriters to Word Processors and Printers

 I  can’t find a picture of the Brother Word Processor I had purchased back in the day.   I don’t even remember what year it was.   This photo is the closest to what I remember – though I could be way off base.   I just remember a huge monitor and connecting keyboard.   It came with a black screen but instead of green words (the illustration looks it has blue lettering) my screen was orange words on black background.   I preferred the orange to the green.   I don’t know why.   I think it may have been easier on the eyes.   Computers were around at the time.   They also came with huge monitors.   I remember the salesman telling me why they were so much better.   For one thing, you could do so much more – play games for instance.   I wanted a word processor so that I could begin my autobiography (if you can believe that).   I loved wri...

Agism - Where Do I Start?

Currently, I am taking a class called “Sociology of Aging”.   I know it will be a good class and look forward to these next three and a half weeks.   The course will end before I know it. My instructor is quite animated and reminds me of my late sister-in-law except happier.   I enjoyed listening to the lecture yesterday as the happiness in her voice and arm movement (I have only had one other instructor record herself).   I know her teaching methods aren’t going to appeal to everybody, but I enjoy the bonus of hearing joy. I tried reading the book but was becoming bored with the way it was written and turned to YouTube instead and found some informative videos on the subjects and some that came across even more boring than the reading. I have also volunteered to test market a hotspot device through the school so they can monitor how much time I spend on research and study.   Only they won’t be getting an accurate reading.   My internet, WiFi, ...

Magic Hands

        I remember someone posting this cartoon to facebook.  I laughed as I read it as I relate, both to having been the child and now the mother.  But it isn't just a relationship with mothers and children when this sort of magic happens.  It happens among husbands and wives as well - at least in our family.         I remember many times mom would used to say to dad, "There is something wrong with the car"  and so he would take the problematic car to work and of course it would ride smoothly for him and give absolutely no indication of ever having any kind of behavior problem.  It seemed that way with all appliances - and it wasn't because my dad was mechanical minded.  I think electronics and mechanics just have a way of playing pranks on the female mind.         Take my computer for instance - the pop-ups, the constant threats, ...