
Showing posts with the label chocolates

Birthday WOW (that's MOM spelled upside down)

           I know I make worse of situations inside of my head than how they really are – especially if I haven’t gotten a proper amount of sleep.  I know I shouldn’t be uptight and I know I shouldn’t dwell on what I can’t change – like missing dishes that have made their way out of the kitchen and haven’t been returned.  My imagination runs away with me and I get carried away – which reminds me this skit of Ernie returning a vacuum cleaner.            Often when I allow things to get out of hand the real life situation will have the opposite results and I find I have worked myself up for nothing.   Yesterday I had gone to the temple though Satan had done his best to keep me away.   After the session had ended Richard and I continued to Ashland to collect Jaime to bring her home for the next four days.   She presented me with a cup that has an owl on the side.   She said it was for my birthday (w...