
Showing posts with the label Festival

I Love Our Communities

from last year               Friends of Myrtle Creek Library did not have a booth this year.   Jenna was bummed as she desired to lure others to the booth as she had last year.             While at my swim class, one of the women stated that she would be manning the booth for the Riddle Library.   How awesome.   When I returned home, I let Jenna know about it.             Turns out that it wasn't a booth for the library after all, but rather the sawdust jubilee which is held the Saturday before July 4.   They had actually held it on the 4th every year until this year. It just wasn't conducive for many volunteers to put in the hours and try to work the next day.   There is a disappointment among many, but I for one understand the dilemma.       ...

I'm Grateful That My Plans Didn't Work Out

                I had made contact with different family members about my plans of sending Jenna to Utah by herself to visit family and we would pick her up in August.   It had been a thought is all.   It's not that I was trying to get rid of her during the summer.   I just know that she's been homesick for her brothers and cousins and probably a week would not be enough for her.          She did want to march in the parade at the end of last month and this month - only this month didn't work out for anybody in the group except for Jenna.   We manned the booth instead.   Jenna and I had been assigned for the very first shift, and then she got recruited to stay (see here ).   Her actions certainly helped with funds but even better (in my opinion) was that it gave her   a confidence that she has somehow kept hidden for many years.   She enjoyed doing it, and she en...

Silly Parade

I do hope not to offend anyone in Myrtle Creek by calling their parade silly.  It's just that I am used to bands and floats (see here ) and spacing and not everything clumped together.  I certainly did take a lot of pictures - but not as many as I had the first year we lived here.  We did not even attend last year. The Friends of Myrtle Creek had marched in the Rodeo parade (see here ) on the 17th and had planned on walking in today's parade, but with manning the booths and lack of availability, it felt like their were too few to accomplish our desire - so we opted out.   I don't think the parade started on time.  Roland made certain we had ice cream as we had two years ago. The parade stared out with six firetrucks.  I evidently took nine pictures: most had passengers who threw candy.  Roland got a Frisbee from one thrower: followed by a series of monster trucks.  I took a picture of the first one:...

It IS a Big Deal

            Our class size varies at the pool.   We have had as many class members as 15 (our instructor had brought four members of her family to participate in our class on Tuesday) and as few as one or two (I did not attend on Wednesday but had heard that there were only two students to show) Yesterday there were seven students plus our instructor.             After our class ended, Jenna and I stopped by Millsite Park to look for the FMCL booth for the Myrtle Creek Festival as we had been assigned to man it during a shift yesterday.   It hadn't been set up yet.   We decided to return home for some breakfast and I texted Serena to see if she needed help with the booth.             R oland fixed French toast for Jenna and me before we returned to the park to help set up.   We were there for just over an hour before we left again.   Jenna ha...