
Showing posts with the label Chatter Matters

The Things We Learn

          In these two posts ( here and here ) I mentioned how much Jenna loves learning about her family members. Until we had played Chatter Matters, she hadn't known that Roland used to play the trombone - or anything about his childhood really.   Usually it's just her and I, but she did manage to rope Roland into playing with us between conference.   After she won the game, we continued to go through the "family room" and "my room" cards so that Jenna could know Roland a little better. It reminded me of when my sibs and I would force the Ungame questions upon my dad.           My parents actually did three listed on the card - hiking was more of a seasonal activity   or annual thing - and it was usually a part of either a daytip or full vacation so the specific places we hiked were Yellowstone National Park or Timpanogos Cave in American Fork, Utah.  ...