
Showing posts with the label survey

Check Before You Throw Away

                Going to the mailbox lately has NOT been worth the trip as I had mentioned in an earlier post. The other day we received three pieces of mail addressed to Richard and one to “Current Resident” – that right there tells me it is probably not worth my time.  I would have just trashed it based on that, but handed it to Richard along with the other garbage (like his last opportunity to switch insurance or purchase a burial plot or apply for credit or something like that) and put the bill aside as I’ll need to pay it.            He opened the one from the CDC Foundation – the one addressed to resident.   A bribe enclosed to be part of an important national study.   An actual bribe with a promise of more to come if only you’ll participate.   Richard said he had done it before and it paid out.   He said I could have a turn and get paid 10 dollars for it.     ...

Communication and Knowing my Child

            When Jenna was in preschool, the school district offered a course for parents to communicate with or discipline their children . . . I can't remember how it was worded.   Jenna was going through a whining stage and Roland and I both wished to assist her in overcoming.   Somewhere in my possession, I have the questionnaires as both Roland and I received our own packets of material.   Of course, I can't find them now to pull up an example except for the incentive charts found here .             The questions were presented in a manner that may have led one to believe that the questions were about the children, but with each class and questionnaire, I felt like the class was really geared toward parenting and understanding ourselves.   It was a fun class, I thought and I really enjoyed getting acquainted with the instructor and some of the ot...

I Need More Analogies and Less Pauses

   In this post I made a comment about how a survey is sent out during the final week of an online class and that we are expected to fill out said survey before we can continue with program.   I have now taken 4 or 5 classes in which I either haven't had a pop-up or else it popped up later than usual.   I don't know if I'm through with the surveys as I am halfway through my program, if it's a fluke, or if there have been bugs in the system when the school changed its format.   I'm guessing the latter.           Currently I'm taking the first of six intermediate accounting classes.   I signed on to the live lecture and was asked how I felt about last week's assignment.   O.K. I guess.   In the chat box I wrote, "I didn't hate it but I didn't love it either."   The instructor laughed as she read my comment.   She seemed to agree because of the subject matter.           Seriously? ...

Nice to know you Value my Opinion

          Eight months after I started this blog, I created this post. Roland actually works for an online school and had taken advantage of furthering his education at a deal.   He would spend HOURS on the computer - and that was BEFORE he started working at home.   That was a LOT of time.           Sometimes he would be frustrated - perhaps for different reasons than I had imagined.   I like having someone hold my hand and walk me through a task - rather than just hand me the instructions. And don't explain things to me on a college level.   I want you to dummy it down like I'm five (I would have gone for a higher number, but Jenna seems to absorb things better than I and has always learned things at an earlier age than I)           Some people have asked why I have gone into accounting as I really don't have ...