Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label charity. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Day One: Donate and Share on Social Media

        I am not the type of person who seeks recognition for performing an act of service or feel the need to blow my own horn and yet so many of the Light of the World suggestions want us to use social media to post our accomplishment or share suggestions.  This day for example


As though social media is not already flooded with donate to this cause donate to that cause.  So and so is raising money for this charity or that and now light of the world wants me to add to that:


        Look what I did! 

I can share a link I suppose. But Im not going to.  I am not alone.  My RS president is not too thrilled with the idea of posting our every move when it sounds like we are blowing our own horns which Im sure is not the intent of the church.  Its probably more of a missionary tool and because of COVID may be limited to activities that we have done in prior years. 


        I have written something for day 10 which in my opinion is too long for a facebook post. I am sure I will be posting it to this blog before the 10th.  Perhaps I will provide a link to the paragraph I have selected for my day 10 fb post.  I dont think all my Light the World activities will make it to facebook however.  Does that mean I am not sharing the light appropriately? Would sharing a link on facebook make my light more genuine?  I dont think it would.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Dinner on the Deck

                Dinner was very nice.  There was a lot of food.  Halibut steak cooked to perfection, clam chowder, shrimp, carrots, jumbo baked potato and roll provided by Midtown Grill.  I enjoyed the food but did feel like a fish out of water.  Some people have money and are willing to share.  I think others just want to make an appearance.  But that's all speculation on my part.  I had four of the five people at our dinner table - my "close-knit-pool-group" and Sue's husband.  I saw a couple from our ward and Susan who has come to our swim class this year and whom Jaime and I had assisted with the Riddle booth during SummerFest here.
                There were over a hundred people for the turn-out at the pool.  The deck had been set up for 18 tables with six chairs at each table.  Carolyn seemed to know a lot of people - mostly former students that she had taught - or their parents.  Dan made jokes about how prestige it was to be with a near-celebrity which Carolyn didn't agree with.  I think Dan probably knew the least amount of people from all of us.  

                Of course, we all know Josh and many of the lifeguards by name.  Sebastian, who had been Jaime's swim instructor the year we had moved in, had been assigned as our waiter.  I really enjoy how the community pulls together and create a positive environment.  The man at our table whom I had not met until last night had given a brief history of the project of building the pool back in 1963.  Evidently, there had been statics given for each year children had died playing in creeks and rivers.  One of the ideas behind building the pool was to teach the community's children how to swim.

photos by Joe Glaspie

                Sue's husband took several pictures.  I hope I will have an opportunity to see some of them.
                 I brought my cheesecake home mostly because I didn't have room for it, but also wanted to share with Roland and Jenna.