
Showing posts with the label masks

Permits, Inspections and Bug Attire

            What is “bug attire”? you may ask.   It is when the facial mask and goggles gives one the appearance similar to that of a bug.   It may also be attire one wears for protection but is “bugged” or bothered by wearing it.   Perhaps you can see both definitions in the picture below.             The back room is already 10 – 20 degrees warmer than the outside.   The outside temperature is not in the three digits but I’m certain the back room is – or was.   It’s mostly insulated now.   We started on Thursday after Roland got off work.   The batting contains fiber glass and so we have to wear long sleeves, long pants, hats and gloves in addition to the respirator masks and safety goggles.   I’m already hot.   I don’t need to dress in hot.   And yet I did.    That night I threw up four times.   Roland finally told me I was done. Friday was better...

Drunk With Power

               On Monday night Roland and I watched 911.   One of the stories focused on a mother who’d been drinking while driving.   Due to her poor decision to find the bottle (or flask) more of a priority than any other human beings -  including her own child. Because he is a scared-out-of-his-mind passenger not able to communicate with his mom, he calls 911.   By the time the emergency crews arrive on the scene there is a horrific accident involving 10 – 20 cars – all because she had been disoriented behind the wheel.              Toward the end of the show, Bobby, who is a main character in the show, goes to an AA support group and talks about how so many people think they can handle the situation of drinking and staying sober – not at all rational about what their decisions may cost others.   While he was giving his speech I thought about the mandating on mask wearing and the decis...

Pandemic Continues Alongside Global Warming

              Randy really wants us to come to St. George – like now – which would be fine but the pandemic is far from over.   Almost half of all adults have received a vaccination shot – but there are still a high percentage that refuse.   They are too macho.   They are too proud.   They are determined NOT to let the government control them.   The same people who refuse to get flu shots or wear seat belts or have convinced themselves they are immune to any other law. So I read this article from Yahoo.   I hope that Oregon continues with its restrictions and those that think we ought to reopen can go spend their summer in Florida and see how well that works out for them.   International Travel is still a rare occurrence.   Other countries don’t wish to let Americans in.   I don’t blame them.   Americans are spoiled and have attitude.   The entire world belongs to them a...

What a Difference

              When the stay-at-home order was given in March, there was a great number of people who did stay home but there were many who had the attitude that “I still have freedom . . . nobody tells me what to do . . .” and have contributed to American stupidity ever since. I don’t like Walmart for many reasons but Roland just so happens to have a Walmart card and Roseburg has a Walmart and so we have been there numerous times – though I have not accompanied him as often as Jenna who wanted to go to Roseburg last and I wanted to stay home with Bonnie (the dog) but Roland had me go and Jenna stay. Because there was no iodized salt offered at Costco, Roland wanted to stop by Walmart first to get some.   The last time we had gone to Walmart there was a line of people waiting for consumers to exit the store and were allowed so many at a time (depending on the amount leaving) maintaining a social distancing.   Everybody required to wea...

Virtual Hugs Just Don’t Cut It

          It was the third week of Church for the ward I ’ m in.  My sister Kayla said her ward had returned last month – or possibly in July.  She said that the members will attend every other week in order to allow social distancing.  I think that ’ s great that there are that many in attendance as the last time I had gone to her ward the attendance seemed even less than what this ward has been – a lot of empty pews and much social distancing – even before it was a thing.           Wearing a mask can be bothersome, but it ’ s not a tremendous sacrifice on my part nor am I too proud to wear one.  I appreciate surgeons and dentists wearing masks, all the frontline workers required to wear a mask all day.  Surely if they can do it for 4 – 10 hour shifts, a few minutes to a few hours shouldn ’ t be a big deal for me.  The mask is not the problem.  It ’ s not being able to connect in the way that we ...

The Cost of Freedom

What is freedom?  Ask a 100 people and you may get a 100 answers.  Some people may have provided a different answer last year in regards with how they may answer today. It’s the 4 th of July, our nations holiday.   It was my late daughter-in-law’s favorite holiday.   I think of that each year since she died.   Our nation’s white holiday – though I had never viewed it that way before until after my husband and I saw this yesterday on CBS This Morning . Wow. I had always believed I have an appreciation and understanding of black history.   I am familiar with Fredrick Douglas, Harriett Tubman, Ruby Bridges and Martin Luther King, Jr.    I am familiar with the works of Phyllis Wheatley, Paul Dunbar and Langston Hughes.   I love Langston Hughes.   I’ve had a few black friends over the years that I have never labeled as my “black friends” except for the purpose of this post.    As I realize my kn...