
Showing posts with the label weaknesses

May You Allow Inspiration to Guide You

A virtual stake conference was scheduled for Sunday.  Of course we couldn ’ t watch it at home as we had no internet.  Our options were to either miss church or watch the video at the church building. I think Roland was planning on working with connecting the internet as soon as it was warm enough, but I told him if he wanted to be blessed that he would have to go to Church with Jenna and me. When we hold ward meetings each Sunday, the podium and microphone are wiped down between each speaker.   They did not do that at stake center in Roseburg (we did not go to Roseburg but watched the broadcast at the building in Myrtle Creek) and it was kind of freaking me out – especially since two of the stake presidency were quite moist with emotion.   I guess when you are on the stand behind the speaker you don ’ t notice what the speaker is doing or how he/she might be spreading germs around unintentionally.   I personally don ’ t enjoy sitting behind the speaker as I ...