May You Allow Inspiration to Guide You
A virtual stake conference was scheduled for Sunday. Of course we couldn’t watch it at home as we had no internet. Our options were to either miss church or watch the video at the church building. I think Roland was planning on working with connecting the internet as soon as it was warm enough, but I told him if he wanted to be blessed that he would have to go to Church with Jenna and me.
When we hold ward meetings each
Sunday, the podium and microphone are wiped down between each speaker. They did not do that at stake center in
Roseburg (we did not go to Roseburg but watched the broadcast at the building
in Myrtle Creek) and it was kind of freaking me out – especially since
two of the stake presidency were quite moist with emotion. I guess when you are on the stand behind the
speaker you don’t notice what
the speaker is doing or how he/she might be spreading germs around
unintentionally. I personally don’t enjoy
sitting behind the speaker as I get more out of the talk when I can watch the
person speaking.
I hadn’t grabbed my notebook when we headed
out the door. At first it felt too dark
to even see what I was writing. Jenna
sang but I did not. Even if I could have
seen the words I have a dry cough from the fan being left on all night. It’s so awkward
singing behind a mask at that.
One of the counselors shared a thought
about ignoring inspiration is denying yourself privileges and blessings that
God has intended for you. I wish I could
remember the exact quote, but I don’t.
It reminded me of a paragraph I had written down to give to the elders:
“Often we think that we want our lives to
go a certain way – or perhaps it is expected of us. Perhaps we acknowledge deity and ask for
assistance to take us down the road of our desires. God does provide us with assistance, often
sending us tools that we may “grow” our own blessings. But often we don’t
realize that what has been “planted” is not at all what we had asked for. I have learned to trust my Father in Heaven’s
guidance – even if it is in a direction I did not believe I wanted to go. We can choose to follow in faith or we can be
misguided by our own weakness or pride. We can find tools that will help
us on the path to eternal life or we can find paths that may lead us to
destruction.” from
this post.
There was a couple who gave a talk together. Their talk was about ministering. She talked about a sister who had been inspired to bring her dinner which triggered my own thoughts of receiving potatoes the year I was pregnant with Jenna (see here) and how touched I am about it still.
– what have I done today I shouldn’t have done –
What have I not
done today that I should have?
What am I
grateful for today
Jenna had heard that before but I don’t think I
had. If I did I didn’t commit it to
memory – which by the
way has not been that great. I left church feeling spiritually fed and wished
it had been recorded so that I could watch it again.
After we returned home Jenna made
lunch for all of us and I went outside with Roland who managed to make a
temporary connection to the internet and so did not have to try and connect
with the internet at the church. Prayer
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